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Posts posted by Stiqqy

  1. Talented Gamer Stiqqy, thats what i call him. I stopped playing roleplay around march actually (got way to salty and toxic for my liking, partially the reason i stopped play csgo), just been chilling with the people i met from it. I'd be down to do some of this (launching ts and joining isn't a routine anymore i kinda just forget since i use discord all the time)

  2. 51 minutes ago, Chris Lord said:

    disney do not give a fuck

    ea will get away with this like they always do

    and people that have bought the game are to blame

    Fairly sure Disney do give a fuck about this game since its canon, its a part of the new sega and the universe so im pretty sure they will want it to go exactly the way they want it to, considering EVERYTHING put in the game has to go through disney and lucasfilm for approval. They won't want their new CANON GAME to be negatively received, especially the reception it has been getting due to EA Cash grabbing attitudes, fairly sure i read that CNN contacted disney to try get statements on the game and thats around the time "EA" removed transactions from the game (Don't know how much of that is true but it makes a lot of sense, considering how disney have dealt with directors on "creative differences" before. They will 100% bring back microtransactions however they haven't specified in what way.  


  3. Just now, Extinct ツ said:


    yeah they are not getting rid of crystals to be purchased.

    shit will be pay to win at a later date bois,just not right now because people are mad :)

    if they tie it back to progression, disney will 100% step in, the amount of negative press they will receive if they did that would be unreal and i doubt disney will let that happen to their precious star wars

  4. 45 minutes ago, Chris Lord said:

    of course they fucking will tie it to progression?

    1 hour ago, VENGA BUS said:

    Bf2 Micros being removed is only temporary. Don't fall for it.

    i know that, they even said they will add crystal system back in, i couldn't care less if they added for cosmetic items only, if they try to tie it back to progression it would be the dumbest thing they could do, theres been rumours of clone legion customisation, the different races being a thing again, that is what im thinking they will put in the purchasable lootboxes. 

  5. 55 minutes ago, Chris Lord said:

    this isn't big

    they couldn't get away with the level of exploitation they wanted

    so they're going to wait a bit and turn them back on at slightly less obnoxious level of exploitation

    what a victory wow

    all the while they get even more free advertising


    hmm :thinking:


    Yeah be interesting to see how the game develops going forward now, its inevitable that they will bring back lootcrate purchasing with money for cosmestics, they won't get away with tieing it to progression.

  6. 37 minutes ago, Danny said:

    Where's the thread shitting on EA's BF2?

    Surely that deserves far more hate.


    Did anyone actually buy that game this time around? 

    Didn't buy the first one, bought this one, Gameplay wise its very solid, its a great star wars game, graphically and musically pleasing for star wars fans, only played galactic assault so far and haven't touched the campaign/other game modes yet.

    My Stance on P2W, its definitely pay to progress. the star cards imo don't really give that much of a boost over those who don't buy crystals. (There is an advantage but it really isn't worth it), if you drop 200$ on day 1 you will still need to play as upgrades are gated behind your overall level which means you have to play the game. In 25 hours of gameplay so far in my experience i haven't had a situation where someone bested me because of their star cards, i regularly am able to come top of the team in galactic assault and i haven't dropped anything other than the price for the game. Where my problem comes into it is the credit earning system, its tied to time played which means its detrimental to play well and end the game early rather than play awful and let the game go through all 3 phases. I think that it should be tied to performance. i do think You shouldn't be able to star cards in the loot boxes, i think they should be cosmetic only however we won't be getting that since EA and dice have to go through lucasfilm/disney to make sure everything is realistic in the star wars universe. the current cosmetics is awful with the emotes/poses.

    Hero locks: You should be able to play with them all from the get go and the price was awful being 60k for vader and 40k for the lower ones, now its changed to 15k and 10k which is a very easy target to play for, i kinda like that i have to unlock them, gives me an objective when playing.


    TLDR game won't have any problems once EA make lootcrates cosmetic, credits tied to performance (they already made heros easily obtainable).


    How long before chris attacks me? taking bets

  7. at the moment i don't think there is enough good games to warrant a purchase from me, 280 retail or something like that for me to probably only play mario/zelda which would cost 80 itself just isn't worth it, the only nintendo games i probably play are pokemon and its not looking worth swapping from my 3ds to the switch, although saying that zelda looks like an amazing game which i would like to play one day, same for Odyssey.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Oldmike said:

    It's not an enjoyable "eSports" to watch in my opinion. Also very unfriendly for people to watch who are unfamiliar with Overwatch.

    I'm happy OW is growing as it brings more variety of competitive games to watch for people.

    i agree it isn't that enjoyable to newer viewers or but that will always be the case with overwatch as its more complex than csgo, bringing the hero complicity of a moba to a shooter, with the fact that is very fast paced compared to csgo where its very simple easier to commentate over. But it is taking strides to become a better esports viewing wise

  9. 1 hour ago, Finnley said:

    I do still play from time to time and have seen a some matches partially from the tournament. I completely agree that it's making steps forward in terms of esports, the difference between League of legends/CS:GO is that the Overwatch proscene is so much different than the matchmaking games you play. 

    In CS:GO a lot of things you see pros do in-game you can kind of copy and learn from it yourself. In Overwatch teamplay/the objective is way more dominant than individual skill, which for me makes it less interesting to watch, because it's kind of a false preview of how a game looks. I know in both CS and LoL teamplay is a huge aspect of the proscene, but like I said, in Overwatch (just like TF2) the objective is just a little more important which most players refuse to realise. 

    Overwatch is still a great game, but the individual skill-ceiling is a little low. My grandmaster IRL friend plays on a diamond smurf from time to time, where he has a winratio of about 50%, which proves that even though he should be way better than those players, he isn't. He might be better, but just not significantly. How did he get grandmaster? Playing with a team that takes the game insanely serious. Don't think that means he is boosted ;)


    TL;DR SoloQ is fking aids

    Solo'q to masters in season 4 and 3480 in season 5 but now im with friends (who arent that great) so i sit around what ever they are since im not really bothered about my personal rank, i prefer this over csgo because its a lot more fast paced and team heavy which is a lot more fun. I currently play most of the dps/tanks Genji/Widow/ being the two im doing the most of at the moment.

    i'm looking forward to the overwatch world league, mostly because im hoping the recolours will be released as cosmetics for us :p

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