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Everything posted by Doomblade94

  1. @UnSeen for being supportive of my works from the beginning and giving me advice on how to not get banned with them. @Liutvi Mestan for also being incredibly supportive of my works. @No Good for being a sexy sexy wanker (I will never forget the cheeky look on your face when you posted that picture in your "I can be a pornstar!" thread. @VENGA BUS for being a jolly lad and long-time friend (even in the days of Old Outbreak when we had numerous kiddies like Daemonic and Aidan). @Sir_Conor for bringing OB back from the brinks of death (I think it was you at least) and for being tolerant of my literature. @Rachel for being incredibly mature and doing a damn-good job at keeping the servers clean of toxic players and rule-breakers. @gaffeR for being a family man. @Cereal for liking my shit. @JDOG for your humorous temper back in Old OB. @Fluxy for your support of my older works.
  2. Olfie; I have no idea who he is but he must be better than Igor. Would you rather die in a fire or have everyone you love die in a fire?
  3. Nose where I have a mouth. Would you rather only play XBOX or PlayStation?
  4. I recognized a few faces. My main problem with this year's rewind is that there were way too many people making incredibly short appearances. It was especially bad when they were mashed together in groups; it's like a game of "Where's Waldo?" except you only have like, three or four seconds to find the youtubers you know. Speaking of rewinds, have we ever considered an "Outbreak Rewind"?
  5. Cabbages Doggo Would you rather be Admin for one month or Moderator for two?
  6. Save the last five people I saw. Would you rather have a girlfriend with the perfect body that no woman on earth could even remotely compete with, albeit she is incredibly shallow on the inside, or have the ugliest woman in the world as your girlfriend, albeit she will always be faithful, kind, and unconditionally love you?
  7. Get paid £100,000 right now; I have no interest in going to the moon. Would you rather have extinct deep sea predators return (e.g. Megalodon, Predator X, etc.) or have extinct dinosaur predators return (e.g. T-Rex, Spinosaurous, etc.)?
  8. Jehovah's Witnesses; they don't commit acts of hatred and genocide. Would you rather get in an accident that took off your arms or one that took off your legs?
  9. It's not procrastination, it's just taking a mental break! We gamers need to have our priorities set straight, you know.
  10. Easy: I'd rather stop them once per week; it'd be easy for me. Would you rather take the red pill or the blue pill?
  11. Anal with Susan Boyle. Would you rather play an amazing game that suffers from a small playerbase or a really shit game that has a massive playerbase?
  12. This one was taken from an old RP server. It used to be #3 on GMOD Gametracker, but then died out. This community was pretty toxic, and one of its members is the reason why I write erotic fan-fiction as disgustingly as I do. They had this one bout once where they had people take screenshots to submit where the winners would be used as loading pages and on the website. I decided to take this one. http://imgur.com/wkghPCk Also have some screenshots from when I played RIFT. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=282333287 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=295638730 Here's some screenshots of Zombie Panic Source from several years ago (back when it was still going somewhat strong). http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26960136 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26960133 And one of a stoned tank in L4D http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541768821521683900/1DB640D536F97FC7499D857204A94A644F9F0694/ Lastly I got some screenshots of Outbreak Community. First up is my inspiration for shipping Rachel and Igor together. Some of you guys from CS:GO OB might not know who this guy is, others may not remember. Sholto was one of the prominent mods in the days of CS:S Outbreak. He had a very creative ban for one naughty wanker... OK, so 1,000,000,000 minutes divided by 1440 minutes per day = 694,444.44444444444444444444444444 days, divided by 365.25 days in a year = 1901.2852688417370142216138109362 years of banishment. If Sholto ever returns, pray to your deity that you are never at the receiving end of his ban-hammer. Finally, I leave you with a quote originally spoken by No Good.
  13. Happy Birthday you naughty wanker! Have some cake:
  14. THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH! This will certainly help me out when I get into IP cams and play soundboards to scare the shit out of people; last thing I want is for them to trace me.
  15. Spent the weekend browsing the toxic cesspool that is 8Chan; found a new pass-time hobby: IP Cameras (thank you /ipcam/ and /b/). Turns out they're super easy to get into. Found one of an older fat guy that had his cam in his bedroom. Spent the last few nights watching him fap and getting the anons involved. Last night the fun ended; one of the anons played the world's loudest orgasm over his camera's speakers. You should have seen the fat fucker bolt out of bed XD And just when you thought I couldn't get any worse...
  16. -Working through school and my job -Binge-watching Yu-Gi-Oh! because I never finished watching the series as a kid -Re-writing "The Glorious Outbreak: Part 3" because the original version I had written up ended up becoming pretty redundant. -Going back to that last point, I'm also gathering potential candidates to suffer my carnal wrath. Don't worry, Jakkie boy, I won't forget about you ;D
  17. I got pissed when @Sir_Conor brought up the "50 uses" detail. Why VALVE, just WHY?!!? I feel like my faith in Lord GabeN is being tested right now...
  18. I don't know which one of you is a naughtier wanker; the B-Hopper who thought he was hot shit or the trig-happy freekiller.
  19. If you're a fan of the Undertale soundtrack, you've probably heard some of the fan-made remixes and covers on YouTube. One such user, iwannabethecollector, has taken things a step further and taken the original Undertale OST and made a "dual mix" with some fan-made covers. So I thought to myself, "Hey, if someone can make a song better by layering two covers in Audacity (or some other audio editing program) then why can't I do it? It's easy, right? Just layer the two songs on top of each other and presto!" As it turns out, it's not as easy as it looks. On top of syncing the songs up from the get-go (because some of them start a few seconds later than the other), a lot of the time you have to make adjustments to the tempo of one of the covers to prevent desync issues. Plus, you have to make sure the two covers work well together. One of my favorite Undertale tracks is "Hopes and Dreams/Save the World", so I took the original song by Toby Fox and mashed it up with String Player Gamer's cover with some of Rush Garcia's orchestrated version. This whole thing took several hours to put together, in terms of getting the first two songs, then finding a third to accompany them that worked well. I also had to spend a lot of time fixing the syncing and tempo, and even now it still isn't 100% perfect. Still, I believe it's in pretty good shape.
  20. OK I'm a bit confused here... I remember Kriss and McLovin co-led Outbreak Community back in the CS:S days. Kriss left in early 2013 (I think), then the clan fell apart (servers died out, etc.) during the summer. I know some people said that the rebooted Outbreak has been going strong for about a year back in my re-intro post at the beginning of 2016, so I can assume that OB has been around again since the start of 2015/end of 2014. With that said, what order of leadership took place? Did McLovin and Kriss get back together and bring Sir Conor on-board for the reboot, or was it just McLovin & Sir Conor? When did Gaz & Biggles become leaders?
  21. When you mess with Pepe, you mess with ALL dank memes. @UnSeen you have no idea what unholy shitstorm of retribution you have set unto yourself for this transgression...
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