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Grammar/Language Rages

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What it says on the tin: what grammatical fuck-ups make your blood boil, or at least make you wet yourself a little from righteous anger?

My personal favourites to hate:

'I could care less' - often Americans guilty of this one (not all): it just makes no actual sense as a declaration of not-caring.

'over-exaggeration' - this, along with other redunancies, trolls me hard

'rebellers' - this one is interesting, as it's in line with childrens' language acqusition; an over-extension of a rule for modifing a verb ('rebel') to become a noun. Except that the noun already exists, and it's spelt 'rebel'. lol

And that's all my butthurt for now. xo

inb4 anti-grammar Nazis bum-rush this thread and meticulously search for errors to prove me a hypocrite

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I lol'd, i'm guilty of this at times.

List of irritating mistakes;




"learn me this" (common with esl since usually teach and learn are the same thing in their language)


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As a non native English speaker it annoys me even more when native English speakers can't see the differences between these words.

^ This so much. It is worse when the course you follow is all in English ( you can choose Dutch too ) but none of the lecturers speak fluent English ( going from not knowing words to horrible grammar mistakes ).

Inb4 I made a mistake somewhere.

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As a non native English speaker it annoys me even more when native English speakers can't see the differences between these words.

^ This so much. It is worse when the course you follow is all in English ( you can choose Dutch too ) but none of the lecturers speak fluent English ( going from not knowing words to horrible grammar mistakes ).

Inb4 I made a mistake somewhere.

"( going from not knowing words to horrible grammar mistakes )."

'going' doesn't really suit the sentence, the word would be 'ranging'. I think you could probably use 'going'.

Not sure on that.

I can forgive ESL speakers for making the occasional mistake. Speaking one language perfectly is hard enough, let alone a second.

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I actually love 'learn me this', 'explain me this'. It's srsly endearing, esp as you know they're fluent in their mother tongue.

And grammatical fuck-ups =//= speaking in fluent retard, Biggles/Thomas. That's a completely different language which takes years of internet to master. Or exposure to 12 year olds.

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