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Everything posted by Chus

  1. i have to wipe my computer to activate the code and i dont care. i dont even notice it :/
  2. Chus

    RIP Microsoft Sam

    He died on Albert Einstein's birthday and at the same age as Albert when he died which is pretty cool.
  3. I would love to see you try
  4. This one looks like it takes skill to play :P
  5. Damn, kinda sad. Didn't he even have a sob story about his hand or smth?
  6. Wait did he actually beg for shit off people? Yikes
  7. When does this literally just become bullying?
  8. https://gyazo.com/de158aebb3cb05fc219dd9cd2debff0e Ew
  9. Complaining about your team when ur the worst player on it?
  10. Hobbs have you actually watched the video? It's really not as bad as made out to be...
  11. I hadn't seen the video, just watched it and Finnleys right. Apart from the fact that I couldn't stand Logan Paul, there is legit nothing wrong with the video. Admittedly he laughs at times he probably shouldn't be laughing and he's pretty fucking dumb for being surprised he found a dead guy in a "suicide forest" but other than that theirs nothing wrong with it. It may not have been appropriate but it doesn't deserve the backlash it received. Actually watch the video for yourself it's not as bad as people make it out to be.
  12. With all the huge new cryptocurrencies its raising graphics card prizes a shit ton. I mean just look at this shit for mining. As "gamers" none of us should be favouring cryptocurrencies unless we are investing or mining them ourselves as all its going to do is hurt us as our PC's are gonna be more expensive.
  13. Ah yes dumb me i even found the entire fake game
  14. They legit played and won yesterday?
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