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Everything posted by ҉NuclearGamer

  1. You asked for it. " The name Conor is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Conor is:Strong willed or wise 'Hound-lover.' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', meaning high desire. " Sir_Conor? More like Sir_BangsHoundsAlot
  2. More like noraser cause you aint erasing your life
  3. I've got windows 7 and have it fully customized with rainmeter, i also always carry a flash stick with me with linux firetail installed on it so i can bypass the proxies in school
  4. Outbreak god? More like outbreak faaag.
  5. I remember back when i had a server that i stashed my schools information on, they paid me good to keep shit classified, till they got an "IT expert" and made me move their files to the schools server. Are you also possibly renting out space? :)
  6. A bit late but happy birthday :)
  7. Lets say spending 6-10 hours playing csgo in the summer had a huge effect on this :). @VENGA BUS, Doesnt every exam system suck?, Not every system is flawless, its like a code, you write a program, little bugs will be popping out here and there, you patch them, some more will pop out anyway.
  8. Actually got them, pretty wonderful. I'm aiming to do 10 subjects, English, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, ICT, Arabic, Mathematics, Business, Art and Human biology. I've got past papers from 2005-2016, i've been solving them daily, Repetitive questions with the same basis. I'm doing that to get ranked in Jordan, i'll Have an easier time to score scholarships to universities. Also if anyone has tips that helps me to stay calm during the examination period, would be awesome :)
  9. Game tracks? I've been splitting them like 30 mins studying 5-10 mins break. Thanks :)
  10. As some people might have noticed, I've disappeared from the server, I've got upcoming exams in October/November for my O-Level exams, and since half the server is from the UK, just wanted to ask some questions :D. I've been studying 6-12 hours a day and need to get an A*, just need some shit on what to do on the exam. Study patterns, how to answer shit, or some music to listen to to focus while studying Thanks <3. Also Hi.
  11. Obvs, the only thing to do is get on the deep web and hire an assassin :) All shit aside, can i have the ip and the download file for the key logger?
  12. Won't be on as much, might also be off for a week with no activity.
  13. A step by step to make the nuclear sandwhich. Step 1, Cut the crust for 4 toast slices Step 2. Prepare some butter in a pan Step 3. get the mozzarella cheese Step 4, Cut that shit and put it inside the toast slices Step 5. fry that diabetes goodness. Step 6, enjoy Optional : Make some tomato dipping and/or Tea with some crackers.
  14. pls dont embarrass me more. To show how he warms up duh
  15. Whats wrong with arabs fam, We got the oil.
  16. Ctrl + F nuclear, Okay. A year from now. Blyss becoming an alcoholic admin Weezy still rolling blunts after gathers Clicker games is now the official supported genre of the community Aisha renamed to MeHeel due to how it's pronounced Nuclear gets a girlfriend (PogChamp)
  17. If i answer them all, do i get a cookie? Banter aside, Welcome to forums mate, seen you on server a bit, :).
  18. Eh, won't be on for a while, except for forum peeking.
  19. Hey, Saw you on the server, a bit quite but we can improve that, cant we? Nice to see you on forums :).
  20. I've been wanting to watch that, I've also liked the concept of Mr Robot as well. So far, these 2 are on my to watch list. Also really liked Lucifer, cant wait for season 2 :)
  21. ҉NuclearGamer

    FPS Help

    https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4ximws/psa_if_you_are_a_amd_user_and_use_a_144hz_monitor/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4w0hmi/windows_10_anniversary_update_causes_input_delay/ These should help.
  22. Eh, about time you came on forums tbh. Welcome
  23. First Popey, now Gibby, CLWO human trafficking confirmed. Anyway, login in 3-4 am in the morning for the memes gobby pls.
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