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Everything posted by Skill

  1. *insert share you clips thread*
  2. Liquid 1-3, QBF 3-1, erm.....yes
  3. You’ll see ran out of money so used old sticker
  4. https://gyazo.com/4af38cb73c02ad7151950fd4b67ef8df 2nd set of picks
  5. Idk who else done the picks or who else is watching, but here's mine. https://gyazo.com/1961ba7851820e901d3dcafaebd79867 I'd like to see what you guys picked if anyone done it
  6. U see, my stats arent that bad :(
  7. Skill

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    Calm down it’s only ESL OB no need to be so mad lol
  8. Skill

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    Are you retarded? If they won then it wouldn’t of been matchfixing and no one wld ever know lmfao
  9. Skill

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    I don’t get why everyone is so mad, if the other team won, you lot wouldn’t be crying this much but instead try to find every excuse to say how bad the tourney was. Kai done a very good job, and none of u realise how much he’s actually done to make this tourney actually work, especially on the first day where he had to go through the stress of starting every game on his own and making sure everything is organised. Also, to however said that Kai is unfairly picking teams so he has more of an advantage to win, you need to grow up. It’s a community tournament and the only prize is having the bragging rights to say you won. As well, cereal was an upgrade from Jama (rank wise) so having rhyse instead of pasickle was fair but if pasickle were to play mid-series, that team would of had an advantage over all other teams in the tounement by having a reserve higher rank than the player. Also, unlike pasickle, I said in advance that if it goes to a third map, I won’t be able to play. Whereas pasickle randomly showed up after saying he ‘can’t play at all’ and expecting to play mid-series and then everyone start crying about how Kai is unfairly evening out the tournament. Maybe next time we should let all the people who said that this tournament was rubbish and says all the things that went wrong, host the tournament and see how they could do better. At one point me and Kai thought that the tounement couldn’t even happen due to lack of players but it did happen and it was a good tourney apart from the people who constantantly feel the need to complain about everything.
  10. Skill

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    You called the ways that OB are hosting the tourney "stupid" and you expect a lovely, heart-warming response?
  11. Skill

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    ● Gunstar : bot_minicolossus (be careful headphone users)
  12. Skill

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    What are you going on about? It's a "group" stage therefore every team plays every team in the group, the order of play was set from the beginning and no one knew what teams were gunna go 2-0 or 0-2. God and I thought I was dumb, lord help me.
  13. Skill

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    tb to jamie last tourney
  14. Skill

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017


    Name: SKIL Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/skil_cs/ Matchmaking Rank: LEM (boosted supreme) Wingman Rank: LE (more accurate to skill level) Player/Reserve: Player Commitment Availability: Yes
  15. Merry Christmas and cya to the intel integrated graphics card :D
  16. Thank you! @Vemix for the 4 games you got me, Portal, Portal 2, Shellshock and Rocket league! Very happy :D
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