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Everything posted by AlmightyJosh

  1. Minecraft has always and will always divide the community between players on that server. Happened the last two times until people realised that it was getting a little bit stupid. eg "Members making channels, locking them and sitting in there for hours and hours on end instead of integrating with the community and playing." big no no
  2. As predicted if anyone has seen the latest news or experienced it :D
  3. Player Name:Multiple (Will list all steam id's below. SteamID: # userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state rate # 111 1 "Pepperoni" STEAM_1:1:105385348 27:02 54 0 active 52800 # 58 2 "ArtaKia" STEAM_1:0:83481956 2:31:50 105 0 active 131072 # 31 3 "Jakob Pütz" STEAM_1:1:177170937 4:27:15 54 0 active 196608 # 129 4 "GingerPopper" STEAM_1:1:46113397 01:59 71 0 active 128000 # 120 5 "✪ KaLe | hyperdraft.com" STEAM_1:1:92736215 12:07 59 0 active 98304 <--- no mic ct // Dosent know the rules # 77 6 "Shiny Diego Costa" STEAM_1:0:155975299 1:41:06 38 0 active 196608 < ---- Ghosting # 121 7 "OLÉ" STEAM_1:0:46760228 09:35 1114 33 active 196608 # 112 8 "The_British_Commentator" STEAM_1:1:106477587 26:45 60 0 active 196608 # 123 9 "Bree ✌" STEAM_1:0:107649499 06:56 66 0 active 196608 # 118 10 "✪ AntKED" STEAM_1:1:128311261 16:46 92 0 active 196608 <--- Toxic + Racisim over mic # 94 11 "ImHoboz" STEAM_1:0:58228117 56:33 60 0 active 196608 # 119 12 "Negan" STEAM_1:0:14281413 15:19 85 0 active 196608 <---- Trolling // free killing # 110 13 "RizBigFish" STEAM_1:0:136499490 27:47 54 0 active 196608 # 89 14 "✪ James" STEAM_1:1:161291445 1:04:52 65 0 active 196608 # 108 15 "NeYmaJR11 <3" STEAM_1:0:24096690 30:54 96 0 active 196608 # 92 16 "ThePredator116" STEAM_1:0:26809986 58:27 46 0 active 196608 # 124 17 "KILLERKEEMSTAR" STEAM_1:0:85590799 05:46 55 0 active 196608 # 113 18 "PizzaMargarita 2.0" STEAM_1:1:195979816 26:39 51 0 active 128000 <---- Free shooting / Free killing (No commands but still kills) # 98 19 "MeloN" STEAM_1:1:117919197 48:28 56 0 active 196608 # 125 20 "iBUYPOWDER Cocaine" STEAM_1:1:60975486 04:27 62 0 active 100000 # 126 21 "Willy The Whale" STEAM_1:1:97097132 03:26 58 0 active 196608 # 128 23 "flockyguy" STEAM_1:1:74934078 02:38 57 0 active 196608 # 130 24 "At0m" STEAM_1:0:105033033 01:14 45 0 active 196608 #end Why should he be banned: Overall rule breaking and making the server completely toxic, Although ginger logged on and sorted the teams out he did not see what happened before this. Take from this video what you will, Above i have tried my best to outline things that i saw. Evidence: Date of incident (to the best of your knowledge): 12/0/17 15:30 Take from the video what ever you can see
  4. Just a quick post letting you guys know that im still.alive. For the past few weeks or month (idek) ive been overload with the amount of college work and real work I have. Making hardly any time for gaming in general.ive so been trying to stay away from the computer. Hopefullh during the summer I might be able to play more, thats if I get my college work done... Just a few things I have gotten up to : I went to america with a few friends and family to shoot some cool pictures for some kind of albun of memories we also did alot more but I dont really want to go into detail. I got a new job as rookie security gaurd with a few of dads friends during tbe night. Visiting various locations around England during the weekends. So far we have gone to London, liverpool, manchester, cardiff, Devon, blackpool and Southampton. And of course college work anf relationship stuff taking up most of my time. So yeah I hope everyone is doing well and that I hope see you all soon :)
  5. As you know i havent been around much anymore and unfortunately i wont be around Untill ive found the enthusiasm or willingness to play with he community. The main reason is ive lost all enthusiasm to play csgo and also playing different games, then came summer jobs and I really couldn't balance my spare time out amongst other things although I when college resumes I should be back.
  6. meh, Was playing with a friend to help him chill out and relax from his exams :P
  7. Hit this random ass shot. soz 4 breadcrum frames
  8. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/278473128253450721/7C32E6E07D47FC178A52BEF992A697933A3DFE17/ Being put into lobbys with over 70 ping that goes down to 40 and spikes back up Like seriously Cannot be fucked to play this game whilst the servers are just bags of shit. Im out.
  9. Me too... I kinda like that skin =)
  10. Wont be around for part of the day on saturday and all of sunday. Back on sunday LATE night maybe. If not monday.
  11. The m4 looks horrible. I pretty much agree with you, The p250 and the ump are the best ones.
  12. Played a game of league with him. He went afk at the 22nd Minute. Just my experience.
  13. Secound and third look a little weird due to the white area on the left hand side. Top one looks nice.
  14. ♦69452 When loosing gathers its always good to blame the bottom fragger.
  15. Agar.io is much better. I find slither rather boring, Wether with agario playing that with friends in the same ffa lobby (Takes some attempts) is pretty fun.
  16. Thank you to everyone who completed this survey. Evidence has been submitted and graded :) Thank you all for your help!
  17. AlmightyJosh


    I don't know if its me but I love seeing how maps progress throughout development. Looks amazing skeff. Hopefully it will be added asap and I also can't wait to play on it. Once again thanks skeff for the amazing map!
  18. Rhyse nailed it. But I am curious why there isn't a trial group on ts for people who are actually on trial. But yeh.
  19. Did biggles win the case?
  20. Sounds somewhat like what happened to me. I was put on the list of failed students for travel and tourism I told the teacher I wasn't going to do the work and she said fine but your gonna fail. The last day came and I submitted 1/4 of what I did. Then in august boom got a c for doing nothing. I guess my teacher did all the missing work for me
  21. I changed From RE to PWFL 2 weeks before exam week because i was apparently "rude" to a member of staff that taught that lesson. Didnt really attend any of the lessons for the subject and then exam week came around. Walked into the exam thinking oh shit i know 0% about anything to do with R.E. Walked out thinking meh it was alright. Got the results back and got a C. The luck was real. Also during year 11 i never finished both papers in my maths exam and still managed to score about 10 marks over the minimum Mark for Higher paper.
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