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Everything posted by Blyss

  1. AWPer since CS 1.6. Sometimes we're loosing and I'm playing like sht, then I get enough money for an AWP and I go god mode. :grin1:
  2. +1 deserves to be a member for sure :)
  3. Heyyy mate welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay lil scrub ^_^
  4. Oh I only noticed your comments now ty bois £'m enjoying this a lot :)
  5. Blyss


    Welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay . If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! Have fun :grin1:
  6. You're a great guy welcome to the forums and I hope enjoy your stay :grin1:
  7. Well that escalated quickly lmao
  8. "I think my team won :D" - Twiixtor 2015 33 points diference lel
  9. I need to do a deep study on these videos so I can actually have a chance to complete the surf games, I used to be good on 1.6 but I'm terrible now I only know the basics I've lost the mechanics somehow :sad1:
  10. Welcome to the forums mate hope you have fun :)
  11. Haha you got steamrolled by the lads.. dont be so mean guys :| As for the video the ace was insane indeed, the editing has a lot of flaws but you'll get better with time, just search up some fragmovies so you can learn some stuff, watch some tutorials and put more time into the videos :) PS: I used to be a fragmovie editor when I had a good pc, I did some COD4 promod and Soldier Front videos.
  12. Good to see you on the forums m8, I'm also new here and unlike Popey we actually have a lot in common ^^ Hope you enjoy the forums as much as I am enjoying :D
  13. I would be happy to do it myself if i still had my computer , I'm using a wooden box wih some cables and maybe a motherboard atm but when I get my pc back I'll give it a go ^^
  14. Great work IML ^^ I loved how you didn't kill the T on climb in the Colors video, I wish all CTs were like you sometimes I'm bored and I just want to do some climb or race or something and I get insta hs'd lel :cry1:
  15. GL Paradox u seem to be a nice person :)
  16. Well sometimes I get singled by obvious silvers on Shot4Shot so it could still work :3
  17. We could start recording demos and send to the OB Staff and maybe some one could gather the best clutches/plays and do a top 5 or something every week/month. It should be fun :)
  18. Thanks a lot guys! @Raichu Yeah I'm more calm now but sometimes I just lose it when I'm CT'ing on harder maps with less experienced CTs, it's not their fault no one is born a pro CT but oh well ^^
  19. Thanks guys! @Sony I'm getting better at it everyday :D @Taylor I played in the previous server but for only like 4 days before it was changed :)
  20. Hey Jacob big bump in this post lel. I've just joined the forums and I'm searching for the admins/mods intros so I can know a little bit more about yourselves. I just wanted to tell you that if you still feel depressed just cheer up man life will get better, try to make some GOOD friends and you'll have loads of fun with them and forget about all the problems. If you just think positive things gets better trust me :) If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here mate.
  21. Hi everyone, my name is Ricardo Silva, I'm 20 years old and born in Oporto,Portugal. I've just finished my first year of college in which I'm trying to get an degree in Electrical Engineering and Computers. At the moment I'm single and I've been like this for almost an year, I'm to picky with girls I guess :p For hobbies I usually play football with some friends , hangout in a coffee with them or play computer games. I've been playing CS GO for half a year and I'm LEM, I have a lot of experience in CS 1.6 and some other fps games like COD4, COD2 and Soldier Front. Other than CS GO I play LoL sometimes and I started to play Mirrors Edge. I found the OB server by pure chance I wanted to try JB in GO and it was the first server I found. I've had a lot of fun in the past weeks (I've been almost 24/7 on it lel rip social life) and I love the community so I wanna thank you all for the amazing experience. Sorry if I've ever been disrespectul to you but sometimes I just like to troll people to be honest but I promise that will change ^^ Ok and that was it, I'm sorry if it's to long but I couldn't really make it shorter... Cya in the server and have fun! :)
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