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Everything posted by Blyss

  1. can someone recommend me some good animes to watch? i prefer ecchi or shounen
  2. I was not expecting a 2nd guy there blatantly reviving his teammate as I'm rushing them but still yeah I fucked up hard lmao
  3. as requested bush guy with the 200 iq plays, i'm blind.
  4. use a smurf, i got lvl 5 after 2 games on mine lmao
  5. yes OFF with our loyal members and friends within the outbreak COMMUNITY and IN with the random lvl 10 bulgarian FAGGOTS that we've never seen before.
  6. soooo double pumps are back go abuse until fix
  7. Blyss

    Calm Down

  8. Blyss

    Team Outbreak

    bump this thread when a game is about to be played so we can watch the stream gl gl gl
  9. eating healthy in general makes SUCH a difference, no skipping meals - eat every 3h even if it's just an apple or something. Pasta and eggs are really good... chicken aswell. Water obviously.... not smoking helps but if you do everything else then it wont make a difference. source: had a year where I constantly felt tired to the point I took blood exams and shit but it was just due to me eating shit all the time, as soon as I started to eat healthy I felt like a new person.
  10. ye listen to MINTLOU lamao who he
  11. kids trying to be as popular as me :/ edit: cheers for the easy views
  12. kai's commentary is probably the funniest shit ive heard in a while lmao
  13. fuck me spent most of the season on top 10 until minibrain started to ddos me every game :/
  14. oohhh im also a fan of 1.6 had to start recording clips to show the admins that i wasn't cheating lamao theymad
  15. oh i never use it but i assumed you would be able to get some bullets through, is the scoped ar actually good now? havent been checking updates but i remember reading something about it being better now, i'll prob hate it anyway
  16. you have a machine gun just spray the fuck out of him that would be so much funnier
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