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Everything posted by Danny

  1. That's completely true, but regarding to the fact that HR were lucky to be even in this Qualifier after how terrible they were in the Minor (They could have got through via the last chance) They completely lacked in all departments and just made so many mistakes. They did, however, win the first game vs Liquid on Dust 2 which in Theory Liquid should be able to do well on... Also Tempo should really beat Selfless, the only way selfless could win IF Koosta does very well (They can win without him but it doesn't seem as likely if he doesn't do very well). Koosta is a stand-in but it's for the team he just quit and he knows how the system works etc. I also don't agree with how Liquid are building their team, Sure Koosta is great and all but it just completely lacks any sort of balance. Who's going to throw the flashes for their team mates here? What positions are people going to play stuff like that. Koosta will take the AWP over S1mple, which can work out since S1mple is incredible on either AWP or rifle. They'll have no one calling though.. (apparently GBJames will help..)
  2. Well about half way through it we can safely assume the following things: Team YP are god awful, it could be due to the two stand-ins but it was easily the worst performance at a major event. 3-32 on round scores.. Group A is gonna have awesome matches, with anyone in that group standing a possibility of not doing well (G2 go through i think though) Tempo did well vs G2 and are genuine contenders for a chance. Selfless are probably the one's not to win but it all depends on Koosta and if Tempo continue to show their skill in the limelight. If selfless win i see Flip and G2 going through. If Tempo wins i can see Tempo going into the Bo3 against (presumably) Flip and I think they could possibly pull something out of the bag. F3 don't have someone who can carry or really shine. World Edit is a solid player and so is Bondik but Shara is new and not doing well. Liquid vs HR will honestly be the best game. HR won the first game by a very tight margin. In a BO3 I can't see Liquid losing it, Liquid have Simple Hiko Nitro who are easily the best players in NA (Nitro for me is the best NA player while simple is the best actually playing in that scene) I think HR might take one map, but Liquid will either 2-1 or 2-0 in entertaining style. Group C is just boring, the Mongolz weren't able to make it and it's very sad.. Splyce shouldn't even really be there.. Group D, Renegades have just been horrible and Gambit Gaming could take 1 map but I think this is going to be Dig and C9 winning easily. C9 however have been bad of late with N0thing as the 'Great' IGL he is. Dig have been doing well recently and they are even stronger even after losing their two best players.
  3. You were told to 'In short, make more CONSTRUCTIVE posts on the forum (Please don't just spam 1 word replies) and be more noticeable on the forum as well as keep your in-game and teamspeak consistent with this.' Since that application you've made 0 posts and I've never even seen you on the TS. Is this just some troll or something?...
  4. Danny

    Member application's

    +1 m8 i r8 8/8 gr8! :mrgreen: Why the hate on regulars :(
  5. IrishChamp.. IrishChamp as a townie(Robert Jr).. Finn is Ben Stiller.. Gunstar is Jack Black..
  6. Jamie just explained it. ... Quick fire question though, how long have you actually been playing the game you know so much about? Since you just completely ignored him when he gave you the facts of the situation. <3 <3 <3 <3
  7. What did i miss? It was you shooting some heads then missing about 6 shots. Then saying hitboxes are broken. Jesus Christ
  8. I think this is really dumb, you can't say 'hitboxes are bad which make me play worse' Everyone plays on the same game, same hitboxes. Get over it (If you still believe hitboxes are the actual problem) Also a 22 second video doesn't exactly prove hitboxes are broken, especially when it's just you using an AK which someone pointed out it doesn't have good first shot accuracy. Surprisingly, it's worse than the m4 and pistols by quite a lot. You can go test this on your private server and highlight bullet decals.
  9. This might sound weird, so don't freak out. You weren't there. Last night xoxo You also missed the Brand0n vigilante play, where he just shoots simi straight in his fucking face first round.
  10. Thooorin is funny af (especially when he's an on the desk at a tournament, I don't watch any if he isn't on it) and his CS:GO and occasional Dota 2 videos are always a joy to watch, along with him and Richard Lewis 'By the numbers'. I seriously don't understand why some people don't like him. He's just so funny, probably just all the Polish People ay lmao. c: 3:30 just so funny.
  11. Danny


    'What's your favourite letter in the alphabet?' 'R' 'IS IT A PIRATE SHIP?!' 'Yep' ...
  12. Danny


    Bye Bye cheating fuckface! :D
  13. Danny


    I'm LEM ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) which is around LE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  14. Yea, you got rejected because you couldn't read now you're applying under a month from your previous one after being told you could re-apply a month later. Nt
  15. This is AMERICAN football : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_football This is Rugby : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rugby_league The RUGBY world cup wasn't that long ago, where the hell were America?!
  16. This is an ace I got on Inferno about a year ago on an alt account c:
  17. The bad thing was at the end Eraser and Para were dead so they couldn't be like 'It's not dan you fuckface :(' Although it was very fun, c: Even though i was townie 3 times x,x I wanna kill Brandon first round ffs. Play of the Day by Absolute Tho.
  18. Danny


    Meet 9 year old Dan trying to trade his account, Jesus Christ..
  19. I liked Halo 3 a lot also but can we just clarify you were 8 when it came out????????????? OMG I feel so fucking old right now :o I was 7 when it came out, but I got it at christmas and my birthday is early in the year. :P I know how you feel, i still think it's 2010.
  20. Has to be Halo 3, it was (and still is) freaking amazing. I played it way too much as an 8 year old. The custom games on it was possibly the best part, such games as Duckhunt,Run Fatboy, zombies it was just so much fun. THE CAMPAIN, oh my lawdy did I love that. Except for the flood, which I remember being scared whenever they jumped in me flipping face. The multi-player was very easily the best out of the halo franchise. Forge was so good too, it was simple and also extremely fun. I remember making a load of Run Fatboy maps which were quite good actually. Shame Halo's have gone to shit now though, damn. Just 343 spinning the money wheel. You know it's bad when the Master Chief is in only 2 of the missions of a whole campaign, like Fuck. #HuntTheTruth?!?!?
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