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Everything posted by Bard

  1. Bard

    TV shows

    would i lie to you (WILTY) and insert name here are very good shows, recommend to watch
  2. Some quick roasting right there. 8-) coming from the girl who acted like a mod before she actually became one
  3. I live in crookston and I got to Rosshall Academy. cool, my relatives live in giffnock and east kilbride :)
  4. Bard

    Different things

    Americans: "Gotta fill up my car with some gas!" English: "Looks like the car needs some petrol/diesel/fuel"
  5. yeah, as skiller said, get more active dude, and don't worry about being shy, we all get it sometimes anyway, and if you give it a shot of joining some rooms on ts, people come to like you, but good luck next time mate :)
  6. YES ANOTHER GLASGOW LAD what part of Glasgow? also welcome :P
  7. it has to be the person above you, not someone random.
  8. hey dude, havnt seen u or spoke to you, why r u avoiding me
  9. Bard


    faceit is good, but its a pain to find a match without someone not joining, but be sure to poke me if your up for a game!
  10. Don't be boring, he has to work for it :D 88? mine is 21
  11. personally, ratchet and clank 2 was the best, but most of the earlier ones were amazing.
  12. very cool guy, doesn't rage like hell and is very fun and friendly on the server, +1
  13. teach me the ways of youtube welcome!
  14. last meal: pizza last call: pizza delivery guy last words: thanks for pizza
  15. you seem pretty cool and chill sometimes, but if you get killed in jb sometimes , you start swearing etc and getting a bit rowdy, which we all do sometimes, but if you improve on this you will defo get member.
  16. I love Evan because his accent is sexy af
  17. true popey seems like the person who wouldn't lie in yr5 i shit myself in the playground
  18. Bard


    whos crying at the beginning?
  19. so what your saying is people who are on ts3 and server a lot shouldn't be recommending people because they have not applied yet?
  20. i would like to re-apply for comp squad. i am global but deranked to gn3 (dumb update) i have had over 2000 hours over 5 accounts i have over 50 knifes in trade experiance i have a working mic commited and friendly thank you and i hope to get accepted
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