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Simi #juandeag

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Everything posted by Simi #juandeag

  1. Unseen I hate you. I just watched that whole thing and now you are telling me you already did it. much UnSeen such wow. But again thanks blyss.
  2. Gave him a one week ban. Thanks for the evidence and thanks for keeping the server clean! btw the quote with the "you are name is" was because someone else typed it just before XD
  3. What qualities can you bring to outbreak? "I can bring money and gold watches if any are needed, because I am a rich norweigen (And Skinny so them ladies love me)" Why didn't you say this?!?!!? Nice guy at the end of the day. +1
  4. if there is a spot left it is mine.
  5. From what I have seen you are a nice guy. Though there has been times where you have talked a little to much when there is an on going round. This may just be my point of view because of me not being as active as usual. But you are active on the server and you have some posts on the forums. If you could turn down the usage of your mic I would rate it 8/8 m8. But will give you a +1 if you promise to calm down the talking a little bit in game sometimes. I do know that I myself talk a little too much aswell which I should also stop with.
  6. Long time no see. Well I have missed you nice to see you back (sort of). And I did report that guy I tried it myself ones but steam support saved my day (That is a lie if you couldn't tell). and btw I am better than thunder so you don't need to say congrats to him
  7. From what I can see with the evidence is him killing you ones in cells but I can obv see it wasn't accidental. I will give him a week ban but next if it could be possible you could get more rounds in where he does it. Otherwise thanks for being on when there are so few people on and thanks for keeping the server clean!
  8. I currently play it together with thunder and sometimes obviousPenguin. Have had it for a while now if you want to play with us you can always ask me on steam and you can join in.
  9. he is a nice guy and if the only thing we have that can hold him back is that he is not active on forums I don't see a reason to hold him down. But if he gets his week trial he needs to be more active on the forums for sure. Enjoyable person and I would have +1 if it wasn't the first post. But a rule is a rule so let's see what will happen.
  10. I will start this off with a +1. Don't know you from before hand but I have heard a lot of good things about you and from what I have seen you are willing to be active on the server the ts and the forums. Overall a guy that is willing to meet the new guys but also havea laugh with the old guys.
  11. +1 active on forums and ts. Sometimes you could use a little more time on the server but I guess it is alright as it is
  12. I would never betray anyone else than Drake in warlight... +1 A nice and friendly woman that is active on ts server and a little bit on forums.
  13. I like this guy. He records whenever there is a freekiller he is nice on the server and active on the server. +1
  14. it would be helpful to have the steam id and if you could follow the format.
  15. I have banned NeverSoft for one week thanks for the evidence. And cheese I need evidence before a ban it would have been great if you recorded him freekill.
  16. I think as many others that we are happy to see you finally making it to the forums. I enjoy playing with and having a laugh with you. And then ofcourse I like spectating you with that sweet knife. Now I just hope you will stay around both the forums and the server
  17. This is one of the more active people on the server and a great guy overall. Quite enjoyable to play with which I feel is important. +1
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