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Everything posted by Fluxy

  1. This hasn't been updated in ages. More juice please If it still exists please god I need to see the thread about RIOT when it started
  2. 6 of us paired off into 2 three man squads on ROE and tried to queue into the same game. This is the result Alpha WINNERS FluxDOGGA WeezDOGGA WistDOGGA Beta LOSERS DantheGaff Alex Pelligrino Pelican CryinbucketLobster
  3. Oh sick yeah. Like me you annnnnd who else? Anything more than 4 people would be a nightmare to organise and would only have two sessions of about an hour MAX. People would be getting poked for mixes and @gaffeRS kids would be crying. It would be chaos bro, and not the Black Legion kind. Mayhem.
  4. Hello. This thread will be a log of all the times I, or other experince team speak lag, so there is a record, so people can stop saying they dont know about ? thank you.
  5. ..... do you know OB...like at all. What world are you living in that you think this would ever work
  6. Fluxy

    HB Hungarian

    you know for the longest time i thought this akivara kid was some random skid on the ts but now i realse it justs akememe hawhahahahah
  7. It has to be brandon...
  8. I'd like to just remind everyone that this started over approximately 5 collective seconds of mic spam....
  9. get absolutely dusted Irish noobs
  10. Fluxy

    Is it time?

    More pointless forum threads for people to argue and sling shit. Not helpful As Mintlou said this is a discussion that NEEDS to happen. But it needs to be over ts where everyone can have their say
  11. *injects 7 weeds* However, my drug taking still pales in comparison to the true Jedi of the sesh. He has mostly retired now to pass his wisdom and teachings onto lesser beings @Jak
  12. Fluxy

    is ob dead?

    Who would have been owner after Unseen tho?
  13. So after (almost) 30 painstaking controller smashing hours, I finally finished Bayonetta. Pretty much my first ever weeb game. Gotta say, pretty impressed, I don't know what happened what was going on what I was doing at any point but it was still fun. I literally can not hate on it even though I want too just simply cause of how batshit insane it was from start to finish. It was refreshing in a sea of polished pretty games with no substance trying to tick the same boxes over and over again. I do highly recommend it if you see it on sale (i think i got it for like 4 quid) anyway, after like 1/2 hours of borderline suicide trying to beat the final boss I finished the game and after the final credits roll you get this little sequence...it honestly summed up the whole games ridiculousness and I sat there just creasing myself for like a minute straight. Anyway as most of you who read this are probably never going to experience it for yourself, here is Bayonetta and her sick arse dance moves
  14. big up big b don's b day
  15. Tiny still trying to use the <IMG> codes xD
  16. ummmmm yeah...skins addiction is bad guys
  17. pls give this a listen. Wont regret promise
  18. Been grinding Vermintide recently and pulled off this nice save to stop a team wipe against the final boss of the game. Its a huge rat with gattling guns for hands. Also hoping to show off the game a bit and how intense it can be at times.
  19. now i can put a face and a shit eating grin to the one deags. fuck you
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