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Everything posted by Jak

  1. Good update. I’ll absolutely be donating as promised previously. On that front, how about setting up something like a patreon? Just a passing thought, not looking for a discussion on that in this thread. It’ll definitely make it easier for someone as forgetful as me to donate regularly. Also, Tower Unite server anyone?
  2. You have a fucking long way to go to win that game, child. When you stop breast feeding we can talk again. @Fluxy respek lad
  3. @Mintlou I figured you would also enjoy this.
  4. Tower Unite is really good fun.
  5. Go again, why change to Discord?
  6. Sounds very similar to the Brexit campaign message. Lots of hot air but no actual answers. Change for change’s sake. Citing things that don’t affect the person saying them. STRONG AND STABLE DISCORD DISCORD MEANS DISCORD @Skeff what great changes will discord make?
  7. What great change will discord bring @Skeff? Would love to hear this miracle cure.
  8. Found out on TS last night that Brandon mainly drinks apple sourz and lemonade when he goes out... happy birthday, I wish you all the sourz in the world.
  9. Going to see less than jake and reel big fish in a month or so. Dead excited.
  10. Jak

    GCSE's 2018

    I loved doing my O Levels.
  11. There’s a surprising lack of fedoras in this thread. Today: Black zip up American Apparel hoodie, mottled dark grey Everlane t-shirt, light grey Farah jeans, dark grey Adidas Oroginals indoor tennis shoes, Muji round face watch.
  12. Adventure Time Rick and Morty Fosters Home for Imaginery Friends The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack Regular Show My Little Pony
  13. Serious: The Sopranos The Wire Flash Forward Less serious: Community Parks and Recreation Green Wing Spaced
  14. “You shouldn’t be eating blu tac anyway.” - a heavy set, tracksuit toting Brummy mummy to her ~10 year old son, 12 August 2018
  15. Good guy that can smoke like a bastard but can’t drink a big beer ️ ?
  16. @SonyTwan you heard this yet? It’s a banger.
  17. Shiniest head in OB. And all round stand up fella. Would go to an EDL march with him any day.
  18. Zebra vs donkey who would win
  19. If you can’t buy a rope you can’t buy a curry mate
  20. To be honest I win most fights I’m in because I’m a biter and hair puller. @VENGA BUS I’m 6’3” and have size 14 feet.
  21. @Lewis ketchup and pizza? What
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