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Daffy Duck

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Everything posted by Daffy Duck

  1. I'm terrible, but I'll help make up the numbers.
  2. Hello mate, While this may be popular for members who play this (unofficially) we cannot be seen to be promoting what is essentially unauthorised paid service and so therefore effectively cheating. I'll leave this message/thread here for a short period so this can be seen but I will wipe it shortly. Cheers
  3. Keeping previous post hidden. Pls keep the questions somewhat reasonable! Plus brakedown, what kinda' question is that? lol. Obv clwo join ob Would you rather take an ice cold bath or a boiling one?
  4. Trainspotting is another good one, I studied that a lot for my A-Level media.
  5. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring has an action-filled start.
  6. I'd go for the cold and rich country and then just take my holiday to the hot country (all that $$ i'd earn) Would you rather take a ridiculously long flight (but free) and the flight is just all round unpleasant (but you get there alive atleast) to somewhere really amazing, orrrrr endure a short but severe humiliation in front of you family/friends. I admit, that was bad. Don't sue me.
  7. clearly rigged bcos he complained. Why do people who voice their discontent get their way???????? jk
  8. Booooooo, Grinch Where's your Christmas spirit?
  9. Daffy Duck

    Olympics Results!

    Thanks for playing all! No event is flawless and there were certainly one or two minor issues at the beginning but it certainly seemed to run smoothly as we went along. Special thanks to my co-hosts and @UnSeen for all their hard work and assistance to make this possible. And thanks to everyone who turned out and make the events what they are. Until next time
  10. Updated the list Hobbsy added
  11. Brownie points if you write & perform an OB national anthem for the Opening Ceremony.
  12. Cycling ability, not biking ability. Twat.
  13. I thought the polls were always wrong though?
  14. I like the last option. It got my vote.
  15. Hi there, I could not find any details of a ban with the information you have provided. Are you sure you're definitely banned? Regards,
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