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Jake <3

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Everything posted by Jake <3

  1. Please read important comment on video. Thank you.
  2. This was debunked thoroughly when it first came out, and when it resurfaced. Essentially, this is only possible with EXTREMELY repetitive data. For example, in that video you can see only 3-4 different objects actually being created. As soon as you try to use more than a few textures / structures, performance will be unusable. Because of this, no games use that style of creating landscapes; it's simply not possible. Maybe for generating 2-3 models, it'd be great, but why reinvent the wheel (textures over wireframes) for minor performance increases? Also, as with the current generation, the new consoles will roughly equal a mid-high end PC on release. Within a few years, the development studios will be pushing at the console's limits, and optimising to improve graphics. A benefit of this is that since we move past the "current" generation (actually ~8 years old), the consoles approach the powerhouses that PCs are, and games will tend to be better optimised (i.e understanding that more than a few hundred mb of RAM will be available). PC is, was, and forever will be, the master race.
  3. Too young for me. Not that I would anyway. Hmph. And I wonder why <3
  4. Tiny's sister is too young for most of you. You should be ashamed.
  5. Look at the easter egg he got me. LOOK AT IT. Why do you love the almighty Tiny?
  6. http://www.reddit.com/r/eatsandwiches http://www.reddit.com/r/foodporn
  7. Jake <3

    Broke my nose

    Broke mine twice. Once on a night out, me and some friends got in a fight, one guy ended up with his knee on my throat, punching me in the face til I passed out. Broken nose + (slightly) dented skull + black eye from that one. Once from my then gf kneeing in me the face when I tickled her. Worth it.
  8. New series aired recently. Also very good, although I felt the episodes lacked the impact of the first series.
  9. Was going to pick up Sim City, but the goddamn map size. Seriously. I just.. it's tiny. I've seen CSS maps bigger.
  10. I appreciate Jamie + John's determination to turn it into a fanboy war, but let's not. Galaxy S4 is being announced in the next couple of days. It will be a very high end phone, that'll last a pretty long time. The Nexus 4 would be the other choice, and at around half / 2-3 the price, a very reasonable one. It will also receive updates much faster, as it won't have to wait for country + carrier specific variants to roll out. S4 if you want a beast of a phone that'll last you a pretty long time without becoming sluggish / outdated. Nexus 4 if you want a beast of a phone that'll receive constant speed increases, updates, features before any other phones. (I'd go for the Nexus, but only because I'm a fanboy) PS: I can't overstate the importance of quick updates. Everything from bug fixes, security patches etc won't be rolled out on a non-Nexus device for quite some time. Not to mention things like Project Butter, an update that increased performance significantly on all phones that received it. TL;DR: Buy a Nexus, become a fanboy like me.
  11. You're such lovely muffins. I don't own the game, and I'm not entering, just thought I'd point that out. <3
  12. http://i.imgur.com/DY67R6p.jpg /thread
  13. Go to Settings -> Battery, and it will show you what is using up battery. It's likely a badly coded app in the background. The screen will usually be the biggest drainer by far, regardless of whether you game on it or just use it for contacting people. Cell standby will be quite high if you're travelling all day too.
  14. Isn't this the Outside JB mod, not CSS?
  15. Jake <3


    Fluxy may have been tricked a teeny bit by Kriss + others into thinking he'd really offended them. There's a video of it, ask Tiny if you haven't seen. It's pretty damn amusing, even if Fluxy doesn't think so ;) PS: Prof, I like you.
  16. Played about halfway through with a ladyfriend, it's.. alright. Personally, I preferred the earlier Lego games, I think the open world aspect wasn't very well implemented. That being said, Lego games are always ridiculously addictive, and the sense of humour gives such innocent giggles.
  17. This goes to Professor. A plain white card on the outside, with simply "No :c" printed inside. In the very bottom right there is an almost invisible bit of text. What.. does it say? Oh. Oh, it says "I love you". Oh.
  18. I took ~20 pictures. They are available here. A personal favourite:
  19. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Besides Biggles and Prof.
  20. YEAH WIST, YOU IDIOT. God. It's not like I wouldn't know that. Jeez. Jeeeeeeez.....
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