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Everything posted by Lewis

  1. -When I was youngster playing runescape in my room, I used to get my mum to make me a drink and place it on the highest stair she could reach for me to come to collect - because firstly I was too lazy to go and make one, secondly I wanted it delivered as close as possible. Ultimate no xp waste. -Another one was in about year 11 - mummy used to wake me up again because no one wakes up naturally for school and alarms don't budge me - I proceeded to go for my daily morning shower. (Bit of context old house shower room was literally a small room with a bit to chill - mirror, shelf etc - then the shower cubicle). I used to take my duvet into the room and chill there because I was so tired from gaming the night before - I proceeded to legitimately fall asleep and was woken to my mum banging on the shower room door thinking I'd died/drowned in the shower. -My record - which I don't think many here may beat - is that I woke up at 8.15am and was legitimately sitting in class for registration at 8.28am. I had slept on the sofa, sprawled off into my uniform laid out for me, got driven to school about 15 mins walk away. -I swear there was one time where I forgot to take the dog out for a walk, knew my mum would be mad at me - so I left my shoes by the door and my coat in a different position and the dog lead moved onto the counter so it looked like I had - more smart than lazy tbh. -I also used to demand to travel to primary school on my scooter - but would give up half way through tiredness or boredom so my mum/dad would have to carry it for the remainder of the journey Maybe will edit this as think of more - they're all fairly old things tbh, since my girlfriend came along I'm a new man.
  2. @VENGA BUS @Fluxy i nominate you two to contend this
  3. I just had a quick scout of your profile - 327h past 2 weeks, don't you turn the computer off at night? Regardless, that's a nutty profile dude, that comment and screenshot count.
  4. attacking me for relaying what jak said, seems legit????
  5. Last time I was home Jak said he was better at driving/racing on GTA than you? First competition in this thread...?
  6. Title says it all, show yourself off. Certain game? Certain sport? Certain subject? Computing? Eating? Painting? Debating? Lifting? Rebelling? Wardening? Admining? What do you think you hold the title for as top 1 in ob? Multiple answers allowed
  7. Welcome Roseline, can't wait to meet you. Thread followed and +rep'd.
  8. ok so i scroll through about 20 comments to see if someone asks the only question i have, not one of you morons did is this a chick or a guy
  9. Bump Decided to post some fairly old OB mix/gather screenshots for nostalgia sake: A very rare image of @Jak in a none troll game actually performing well. Featuring famous names of Cheesepuff, Total497 and S6MMonkey - (NOV 2013) This was one of the worst scores ever in an OB mix/gather for a good 3 years (considering it was 29 rounds) until @Eraser went 1-21 recently, Professor never returned and candlecow was most displeased with the result - (FEB 2014) A legitimate 2v5 win, @w33zy and @Sir_Conor fking bots - (JAN 2014) A captionless gather, things haven't changed in 2 years - (FEB 2015) This is one of the oldest CSGO gather pics I have - Lewis, Shadow, Cake, Monkey, Crustifer VS Mitch, Wist, Total, Cheese, Prof - (JAN 3RD 2014)
  10. That's a lot of push ups everyday, it's good to be doing them for sure. The run combined is the best bit - ideally you want to be doing anaerobic exercise several times a week to really keep your heart and body in shape, simply doing the odd sit ups and push ups wouldn't be the most optimal. Plank time is also very good, sounds like you've got it all sorted at home, keep it up.
  11. Nice stuff Cereal and Sony. I've started taking the gym seriously over the last month and a half - just cardio stuff though, no heavy deaflifting or whatever. But I do the occasional dumbbells on the mats. Since start of Spring term after January I've done: 200km bike, 30km row and 45km running. I'm trying to set goals on short distances (1km+2km run, 5km+10km bike and 2km row). I seem to be best at bike: 5,000m = 7m35s (39.57kmh avg) at level 10 10,000m = 16m40s (36.08kmh avg) at level 10 Aiming to get these closer to 7m and 16m by the end of the year.
  12. bump @SonyTwan what are u up to at the gym nowdays
  13. this has happened to me in the past too
  14. literally whenever I'm talking to @Oldmike he's telling me how much of a god he is on KZ the kid finishes without even a medal amongst a bunch of jailbreakers? LUL
  15. I could literally go walk the dog and twist would win rifles for us 16-6 Then DANNYS and THUNDER on AWP??? Need I say more? U remember that 5 awp shot thunder whiff on inferno? Don't think danny ever even touched an AWP
  16. danny/thunder a poor mans lewis/twist tbh
  17. evil will rise again

  18. All I see in this vid is poor flux going 9-21 cos kids are screaming for him to go in first so they can b8 :(
  19. @Stiqqy eraser gonna get global before u bro And ur 'i quit cs since last month' isn't gonna be a good enough excuse
  20. Can't tell if I'm still asleep or not
  21. So u gave it to some kid who toggled n1
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