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Finn's member application (DECLINED)

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as long as you are not annoying then people will like you.

Not true, look at toekid.

We still like him.

Also, the vets arent scary, we just have a lot of in jokes and personal relationships with each other since we have been friends for so many years. Also, we have seen so so so SO many people pass through the revolving door of outbreak that to stand out you need to be brave. Yeah we might tear you apart within 10 seconds of you saying something and you will have absolutely no idea why but its our way of testing people, see if they can stand up to the trademark OB banter and bait, its what we thrive off. The people who can take some of our jokes and stay or even give some banter back are the ones we like, think yeah this person is alright actually. So ya, we no the boogiemen guys pls :(

Retarded Storm is a great example of this

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Don't worry Finn you are not missing much getting in with the OG guys they are all a bunch of boring miserable bastards anyway don't waste you're time. You get my +1 anyway as you are chilled and fun to play with on the server. Hit me up when you are next on TS and we will play some LOL together or something. :mrgreen:

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I don't know much about you unfortunately Finn, I mean I see you on the server but haven't heard that much from you. I don't think I have also talked to you on the server, next time we meet, say "Hi" or go and command.

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-1 Sorry Finn, I really think you should integrate more, no point of sitting in a TS channel being quiet most of the time, don't be afraid to talk or share your opinions etc. Some people hardly know, you so talk :)

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as long as you are not annoying then people will like you.

Not true, look at toekid.

We still like him.

Also, the vets arent scary, we just have a lot of in jokes and personal relationships with each other since we have been friends for so many years. Also, we have seen so so so SO many people pass through the revolving door of outbreak that to stand out you need to be brave. Yeah we might tear you apart within 10 seconds of you saying something and you will have absolutely no idea why but its our way of testing people, see if they can stand up to the trademark OB banter and bait, its what we thrive off. The people who can take some of our jokes and stay or even give some banter back are the ones we like, think yeah this person is alright actually. So ya, we no the boogiemen guys pls :(

Retarded Storm is a great example of this

Yeah, and I enjoy being with you guys! I'm still here, I take all baits but still love you :D

So, new people, don't be afraid, if you are strong enough to hold baits and banter you're cool hahaha

And Finn, don't be afraid to talk, when I first joined to OB, first three times I stayed in the lobby because I was shy (yeah, laugh) and after some minutes left teamspeak, but then I joined a channel and from that moment I'm in a beautiful relationship with OB huehue

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Hey Finn

Your server activity is decent and generally you seem like a friendly guy, but as some have mentioned you lack the integration (more forum and ts based) that we'd look for from a member. You aren't expected to join and get on with every single person in the community, but trying to get yourself in with a mixture of crowds or perhaps playing gathers is a good way to get yourself involved - at the end of the day, although some of them like to nibble a bit, no one bites. You will be able to re-apply again in a months time.

Sorry to disappoint,

The OB Staff

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