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I am revamping an old CSS map called airship, it was a favourite map of many players and I hope to bring it back to CSGO. I've tried to keep the map as close to the original as I could, however I did things such as replaced volleyball with cannon field because volleyball didn't play as well in CSGO and I reduced the number of gun cells.

If there are any issues with the map please report them on this thread in as much detail as possible.

Known issues

- 2 Nodes without volume - This is just a map compilation issue that doesn't affect the game but I'd like to fix it before the final version.

- Console spam - This may be causing some server lagg.

- Optimisation - Hopefully this will reduce lagg.

- Vents in deathrace shouldn't have collision.

Future ideas

- Add number models to reduce the model precache.

- I'd like to change the default T/CT skins the map uses however I'm unsure how much control I have over that.

- The original map had many bottles, a captain and a bartender. I'd like to add models for each of these.

- CSGO made it so guns can't have their ammo changed quite the same, this means the guns in cells have way too much ammo. I'd like to reduce the ammo in the guns in cells.

- I'd like to improve the cannonfield

- The walk the plank area feels like it needs a game, so I am considering adding a bhop or redlight/greenlight game.

- Some players have suggested crows nest and ladders on the mast, I'm not a fan of this but I'm open to discussing this.

- Grenade game isn't very good at killing people so I'd like to do something to make it more feasible.

- The props on the table game seem quite static, I'd like to make them more free.

Fixes from B4 to B5

- Table game has been given more push.

- Table game & wheel of death now correctly account for the mass of objects. It appears to have fixed these games

- Fixed some textures in wheel of death.

- Music in disco should only play 1 song at a time.

- The assaultsuit is now working.

- In addition to the barrier at the back of cells there is now a 1.5 second teleport for anyone who may spawn off the cells.

Please read the past posts to see screenshots of the map.

- Cannon can now move.

- Basketball ropes have the correct textures.

- Objects in front of cells now recolour.

- Doors in the map shouldn't be as spammy.

- Cell doors now open properly.

- Fixed some no draw issues.

- Changed the mattresses inside the cells.

- Disco music resets properly.

- Addressed some issues with breakfloor crates.

- The skybox texture has been changed.

- A 1.5 second barrier has been placed at the back of cells.

- Grenade spawners work.

- Armoury has been updated for CSGO.

I am going to give the first version to the server and hope it works well, however if there is any issue with the map please post it here, anything from a graphical glitch to a game not working.

Edit: There was cache issues with the map which caused the server to restart. I have gone through and taken out many additional models and materials to help reduce this so certain textures won't be the same but I feel the map still looks good.

Edit 2: The cache issues have continued, I just need to take off 100 files and it should fit on the server quite well. Shouldn't be too hard, each model is like 5 files and the violin & bow aren't needed.

I am revamping an old CSS map called airship. It was pretty much everyones favourite map.

I've managed to get most of the map working and I've replaced various things that don't work for example volleyball doesn't work because of CSGO + physics so I have replaced it with a rudimentary cannon game. Any feedback on that would be appreciated.


This is cannon game, each player controls one cannon and must hit the wood underneath the opposite team in order to knock them into the water. If you hit the water you take damage and die.

Also this is a small list of things I have/want to fix before releasing it.

- Sort out Golden textures.

- Get a bottle model to show.

- Sort out any reduced damage on the map.

Once I've finished it all I just have to pack the map files together (it may take a while due to all the hl2 & css files being custom) then give it to you guys to play :)

As this thread and my signature have been teasing I am working on an old CSS Jailbreak map, jb_airship.

This map was one that almost every CSS player loved and I'm pretty confident that I have the current version working well. Unfortunately some things such as volleyball won't work on CS:GO and depending on how people react I'd like to balance the map a bit (4 random guns & 2 vent cells is too much). So I'm just posting my ideas here and hopefully you can give me feedback on whether or not my ideas should work.

Volleyball replacement

I feel like I should release the map before changing it too much but I'd like to change this soon. I was thinking of either a cannon game so each side shoots at each other, or a boat game where you have to destroy each others boats. What do you think?

Map balance

The map currently has 4 random places a gun can spawn and 2 methods to get out of cells. I always thought this was too much so I'd like to reccomend that I remove 2 of the guns.

(also as a note to myself I need to make sure the guns have limited ammo)

What do you think of this?

Trail & pickups

In CSS there was a trail that players up, however this doesn't work on CS:GO. I'd love to keep this but if I can't I might change it for another pirate hat or something. Basically some sort of pick up that looks cool :)

Also there are guns with hats, they seem to work well. I could put them more directly on our heads so they move when we crouch but it blocks your view.

And finally there is a sword and gun pick up which looked strange with the grenade pickup. I've toyed with the idea of putting them in the knife and pistol slots however this messed up their rotation so any ideas here would be nice.

Again What do you think of this?

And finally here are some screenshots of the map.






Here are some CS:GO images. I am very excited about this, I hope the older players get nostalgic and the new players have a good time.rie06r.jpg



Depending on the success of this map there will be more to come.

This thread will be updated and renamed in due course :)

Edited by Guest

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