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Revan The Dragon

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Everything posted by Revan The Dragon

  1. Me? Having the time of my life? Bitch I want to fucking kill myself half the time what are you on about
  2. furries fuck those guys seriously fuck furries all go to hell die
  3. Aye. I'm the only person with the name usually lol. I've spoken with the devs a few times on Discord, their plans for the future updates are really good. Thankfully weapons will be rebalanced a lot (like the HK415 GL which had a stability of 12... the gun literally had triple the recoil than CS's AK), seperate gamemode playlists and new gamemodes too. Looking forward to seeing the co-op more they're working on, hope it's similar to that of Combat Arms.
  4. Been playing this a shit ton, really enjoying it. For those who haven't played it yet, it's basically Counter-Strike 1.6 with a bit of Insurgency in the mix, it's really fun. Really enjoying it so far. If any of you want to join me for a game, my username on there is RevanTheDragon if you'd like to add me. The game is really fun and I hope the full release isn't pay-to-win like other games of the style (Combat Arms, AVA, S.K.I.L.L., etc). Company seems promising, so we'll see where it goes. Just hope they improve their english a bit. Can't get over the bad weapon descriptions. Oh, and don't forget the "Absolutely. I knew we would victory this match." quote from the announcer.
  5. Yes let's not make an attempt to keep these near-dead forums alive
  6. You are genuinely the most bipolar and sarcastic person I have ever had the chance to meet
  7. until

    Name: Revan The Dragon Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040671155/ Matchmaking Rank: Supreme Master First Class Player/Reserve: Player (if still available) Commitment Availability: Available all day every day
  8. Where did I refer to myself in third person? Would make sense then, since I literally am handicapped
  9. Does count.... it's a fucking pistol round ace clutch you tit
  10. Read vid desc Hadn't played in 2 months, had rank removed, first game back got me LE, was SMFC before
  11. I'm so proud of this, I took nearly a 2 month break from CS and this was my first game of competitive back in the battlefield.
  12. Source 2 cobblestone confirmed
  13. Bruh literally every fuckin time I've played with you you underperform and blame it on your computer
  14. Well I mostly play Valve MM, so if anyone ever wants to queue up with me then go for it. I myself have mostly been stuck to CS:GO competitive and R6: Siege, love both games to pieces, hate the community tbh
  15. Every time I open CS:GO (basically every day), the first thing I always do is check the server browser. I never really see anyone on JB or MG anymore, it's always empty. It's been this way for over a month now. Has everyone finally moved onto other games? (OB R6S pls)
  16. Mind bottling some of that and sending it down my way? That'd be lovely
  17. This heat is horrible, I can barely sleep. Windows wide open all day, insects crawling around, still over 20 C in my room. I have three friends who have had their computers overheat and die. All of which had fan cooling. So I may as well say it, if you have fan cooling, please be careful. If you have liquid cooling, you're probably safe for the most part. If you don't have cooling for some reason? Well...
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