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Everything posted by Ekitai_Hebi

  1. pretty nice :) love the ease of posting videos, activity feed is lovely and the layout is nice. Does feel somewhat slower though but it aint bad
  2. y'know what now that we have the new forums have this entire playlist... i can die happy now
  3. we will combat the downvotes together pepe! but yeh just give it some time :)
  4. or as i'd like to call it dick riding, works wonders in MM. Pick a team mate and completely ride his dick praise him into the sky for every good thing he does and watch his motivation sky rocket. Positive attitude works wonders folks!
  5. its a little program called the keyboard visualizer, also works with corsair RGB keyboards
  6. found this recently and its pretty damn mint
  7. i'll have it if u dont want it nah mate not allowed to do giveaways sorry bruh overlord fluxy has spoken :cry1:
  8. pretty sick weezy, not as smooth as the masters of surf i.e Morning , Raiin and Troflecopter but still you're up there :D reminds me i should really get into surf again always enjoyed it a great deal
  9. i was gonna giveaway my hyper beast and kniev but okay guess i wont then :(
  10. What browser are you using atm peasant? glorious firefox m8
  11. just keep everybody in the same room? who cares can always type strategy through steam or whatever
  12. This. He says some of the meanest things like "joystick?" when you are just looking around the map and appreciating the chickens... :c On a more serious note, I know what you mean, sometimes even when I am winning really hard there are people in comps who would still be toxic for small mistakes and it's just unpleasant. I enjoy playing with people who make the game fun to play even if we are not winning. These people include Rory, Eraser, Jamie with his hilarious jokes, Substick etc. should play with No good then, hes probably the defenition of fun when it comes to comp, unfortunatly alot of people around my rank are usually toxic (nice for 1 game when you carry and they add you), not sure how that is in the higher ranks say supreme / GE though probably the same
  13. I'd have to say VP as a team and my favourite player would be Pashabiceps. Reason being is that he just seems like the nicest guy has a great attitude and second next would be Olofmeister simply because the 2 of them are comedy gold together
  14. same here i'd totally be up for that! <3
  15. Screwed up the visual memory test doe :(
  16. This would require me to get google chrome sad days :(
  17. That's some nice insight rory thanks for that, of course Fluxy i understand people at the moment are rather busy with the forums / events, etc etc. however it might be worth looking into in the future as ive found myself unable to use paypal, and im sure there's a bunch more people who are in the same boat
  18. What sorry, could you just clarify what part of being a(n) fan isn't cringy? There, fixed it for you :glad2: Not bashing on anime, just saying that being fan of something cartoon-like is cringy. https://www.google.es/search?q=anime+fa ... 20&bih=947 Being a fan of anything can get to the point of being cringe, however you're targeting the otaku culture and the likes it summons in general fortunatly most arnt like that (most). However then there's things like this : (excuse the obvious photoshop) and somehow i couldnt care less about the fact if its cringey or not, in my opinion its bloody brilliant Also to keep on topic here's another one of my favourites : C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control http://www.anime-planet.com/anime/c-the ... ty-control Nice and short little anime that actually manages to wrap up its story in 11 episodes, doesnt feel rushed or anything. Good plot and story progression is done quite nicely.
  19. sorry for stealing your underlings substick, but then again i was always the one with more charm <3
  20. its gonna be interesting to see what they do to inferno, i just really really hope they dont screw it up... Personally i would like it if they opened banana up a bit widen it a bit make it less claustrophobic
  21. uhm maybe pay by phone or sms? / credit card pay in skinz? something along those lines maybe we have a little thing called Ideal aswell or you have Skrill EDIT : Also my apologies for posting it in the wrong section at first, i derped
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