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Everything posted by GingerPopper

  1. Player Name: GingerPopper Date of Birth: 27.10.1998 Age: 17 Country/Location: Bulgaria, Sofia SteamID: STEAM_0:1:46113397 Games played: I have played alot of different games. I started off with playstation 1 and 2, for which i have amassed more than 400 games. Then i moved on to Playstation 3, soon after decided to play more on PC. Right now the games I play are: CS:GO,Dark Souls, and a bunch of other games from time to time depending on my mood. I have over 1350 hours on CS:GO and before i used to play league alot. I have an estamate of over 3000 hours on it. On CS:GO 1/3 of my hours have been spent with this community. Roughly how long have you been playing our server(s)?: The first time i joined was back in september, but i started playing alot mid october so that would make it almost half a year. I have about almost 350 hours on the JB server and i started using TS late January. I have been a member of the forums since December 12th 2015. What qualities can you bring to Outbreak?: I can bring alot of laughs and when there are no mods or members on, I try to keep the server as normal as I can till someone comes on. I also really enjoy helping new people, and normally they end up adding me if they have any questions about something. Also im a nice guy and i hate being a nuisance. Despite my favorite thing being telling jokes and making people laugh i do take it a bit over the top and cause people to think im a troll and not a serious individual, I can't really blame them though. Im sorry for anyone that i might have annoyed with my behaviour. Tell us a little something about yourself: Well the thing im most interested in are games, so i have devoted most of my life with them. My real name is Christian and i live with my mother and 2 dogs. Im currently in school and i am in 10th grade (a late starter). Most of the time im not on the server or TS im hanging out with friends or im on skype with said friends. My friends aren't very pleased with my OB ways, but despite that i still try and come on for as much as i can. Is this your first post?: No. Have you been around for less than roughly a month (this includes Teamspeak and forums)? (If you said yes to either of the two questions above, don't apply now): As i said i've been playing JB for almost half a year, i have been on the forums for almost 4 months and TS for about 3 months. P.S. I have a second acc that has a VAC ban and i wanted to share with you guys so that i might not have any problems in the future. Here is its ID: STEAM_0:0:41286007 and here is the entire story behind how i got it: Anyway here is an explanation on how i got a vac for my second acc. So back in 2014 just a week before christmas my main acc got hacked, I tried to contact steam support but they had a bunch of work, as it was just before the steam sale. I decided to take it easy and just make a second acc and get cs:go on it. I used this acc for quite a long time, almost 3 weeks. So since i got cs:go on this acc i decided to play with friends, but one of my friends wanted to me to share the acc with him because he was a very high rank. Ofcourse i agreed and so both of us used this acc and everything was going well for those 3 weeks. Then at the start of january i got my main acc back so now i had a smurf aswell. Or so i thought, 2 days after i got my main acc back the second was alrady vac banned. The only one that could be responsible for this was my friend so i hit him up for a talk, he said they were playing againts hackers and he wanted to teach them some of their own medicine and so he hacked withought asking for my permission. In the end he was genuinely sorry aswell as i didn't hold much againts him. Despite everything im the one to blame for giving him the acc so i hold just as much responsibility so im sorry and i hope this won't be a problem in the future.
  2. Its an overall nice idea, but at the same time think of how much work and how difficult it would become for mods and admins. They'll have to be constantly on the lookout for new players and ban then from ct. Its a nice idea it should just be executed in a better manner. Like needing a set amount of hours on T before playing as a CT, but for something like that we need plugings which, don't exist, atleast to my knowledge. So overall a nc idea, poor execution but hey everything is fixable ain't it.
  3. i already have gmod but eh, 5
  4. Sign me up im member xoxoxo (pls reserve list)
  5. Whats your battle tag? Whoops its peacevswar#2348 sorry my bad
  6. Was wondering if i should make a heartstone thread but eh guess you got it first, my personal favorite class is warrior and i have a legendary warrior control deck i got a bunch of other decks but that one along with a paladin deck are my favorite. Either way for anyone that might wanna play my Battlenet name is peacevswar so Feel free to add me.
  7. For anyone wondering if you should buy this game i advise you to try out one of the other DS games, as they tend to go on sale quite a bit and are overall quite cheap. The games are incredible for anyone that wants a fair challenging game with alot of depth. This one seems like its going to be the hardest of them all, so if you want an easier starting point i would say DS 2 is the way to go, as its undoubtly the easiest of them all. Anyway hope i have helped anyone that has been wondering if they should invest in these games, woulf like to see a DS OB group but that will probably not happen.
  8. I don't want to watch a playthrough, the first playthrough you do where you have no knowledge is best. Oroboro is a big Dark Souls streamer, him among others get access for promoting the game. I understand how you feel, i also don't want to spoil it for myself, but at the same time temptation is getting the better of me. I think i'll stop watching after part 5, its not too deep into the game so its all good i think.
  9. Honestly i just hope we have some dank weapons like santier's spear (ds2) with alot of different movesets, but hey it looks amazing and im super hyped. Also here is a channel that is doing a full playthrough of the entire game He got it early through some unknown means.
  10. I've seen a fair ammount of people that join the forums and just go and write stuff on the introduction page. Remember guys you can write threads about anything, show opinion on threads, don't be scared to show your opinion and viewing of things, remember this is a forum. Outside of other things i do know who you are as i remember everyone i have played with, you have a fair amount of activity, i have seen you on TS, but as others have said the ''Im muted" channel doesn't count, the same goes for going in an actual channel and just muting yourself immidietly. Don't take this the wrong way you seem fine with the amount of interaction i've had with you, but still i will give a -1 for the app, but i do congratulate you for atleast making an effort to get to know the community, remember just open up more and you will be set. Regards - Popper- a young faggot
  11. Well he did say he will be on the forums, and the entire forever thing wasn't true, guess you really should phrase things better, either way hope you get a pc soon you scrub.
  12. I really do hope you're being sarcastic, but if you're not... How the hell do you not know all these countries :P Yes it was all a banter don't worry
  13. If anyone wants to play PM plez, I used to play this Game so much with a friend who was really into it, Its good, in fact very good, but requires devotion So you have been warned. Also play this with people you know Or it isn't going to go well, thrust me. Still the best of its kind (if only one, haven't really spent timesearching for others)
  14. Im making this to see who will get dark souls 3 and if i can find people that actually play these games (pls im lonely and afraid) I hope its a mix between bloodborne and dark souls and if it is i might die of happyness. For anyone wondering if you should buy the game or what it is about do some research, for me personally the games are incredibly satisfying and fun but for most they are just games to play to get angry for a video or something, its alot more than just that.
  15. To say im late is an understatement, but still sign me up and fml why can't i ever snipe these damn events lol
  16. No Bulgaria? Reported for rape and discrimination, I'll see you in court. (But seriously where is bulgaria you have countries on The list that i didn't even know existed) Either way i'll go listen to the national anthem and reasure mysel Im not a wortless piece of shit.
  17. Well isn't that bad to hear. Hope you sort Out your problems, just know you will always Be welcomed back, either way i wish you best Of luck, kind of sad we couldn't talk for one last Time but it can't be helped. Regards: Popper - a young faggot
  18. Has a shit mic, a fuckboi, actually scammed me (a safari mesh)....definitive +1,but no seriously the first guy i really got in touch with when i entered this community, friendly, nc to play with, but he does have a shit mic (lol) Also you really should post more on forums, guess TS activity is an easy one to get into GL hope you get it
  19. You have been with us considerably less than other people that are applying, but i have to admit you absolutely deserve it. Nice, communicative, funny, honestly i can go on. A definitive +1 wish you luck :)
  20. If you have ever wondered how awkwardness and cringe work watch this video and understand the meaning of life (sorta)
  21. Blyss you listen to monstercat :ooo +1 god app
  22. So basically how this goes is that you type 3 things you love and 3 things you hate about your country, I live in bulgaria and i will say that although its bad it still isn't absolutely terrible, for example: 1: We have really good internet for some reason, i really don't know why but i love it. 2: We have a really nice and long history. 3: We have beautiful mountainsides and mountain ranges. For the bad: 1: Our Politics are....well...not the best... 2: Prices are high even though wages are shit. 3: We have alot of gypsies not trying to be racist or anything but you guys probably don't understand the pain when 20 % of your country's poppulation is gypsies that don't work or contribute to society, atleast that is the way things are here. Please leave your ones below i want to see how people see their own country.
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