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Everything posted by IrishChamp

  1. TS Viewer us on the right and you can click on it to join but yeah, we should get a TS banner back at the top.
  2. I'm assuming this is a meme but if not I suggest seeking help. Also I'm just joking, go experience different genres they're g
  3. Stop you're not allowed post anything except rap
  4. ARAM FINALLY GETS SOME LOVE https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2018/05/dev-aram-changes-incoming/
  5. He's Bulgarian or some shit give him a pass. 3rd worlders aren't gonna have as good an education system as us and it's kinda rude of you guys to snap on him for such a simple mistake
  6. Use ur mod powers to punish him
  7. Expecting about half of the member group to bite the dust any day now from scurvy
  8. Can someone TLDR the removal of like all the mods? I can see the reasoning but I just wanna know what happened.
  9. Definitely. I mean at least Pepe was just kinda sedentary opposed to being a dickhead on forums lol
  10. One Blyss is all it takes (to kill a meme)
  11. @VENGA BUS I'm seeing her at a festival this summer. Jealous? Also: NEW YE
  12. We don't need an influx of non honor giving reacts.
  13. It's really impossible to tell tbh. It's all about what genre is popular and whether there's a game that's done well and easily accessible in that genre. I think the only thing that can be said for sure is that it'll be something multiplayer
  14. Doesn't matter who they're watching and whether you like them or not. They're watching Twitch.
  15. Never played Fortnite but it's honestly incredibly what it's done. It has largely destigmatised gaming. A year ago I couldn't imagine a bunch of the most popular people in my year gathered around one guy playing and talking about watching Ninja.
  16. Mintlou went from Jehovah's Witness to Daddy real quick
  17. New Kanye http://www.kanyewest.com/assets/images/LIFT_YOURSELF.mp3
  18. I guess JB wasn't full much when you joined but reserved slots are a great way to get donations. That's a large reason of why I donated pretty soon after joining. Anyone tell me how the numbers are doing? Is it often full?
  19. IrishChamp


    Alcohol is a drug too why all the hate for weed xddddd
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