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Everything posted by Jaydog!

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMIE! And the rest! <3
  2. the people in that video really trigger me... i need to ban them...
  3. Chinese easy. a dog that acts like a cat, or a cat that acts like a dog?
  4. Lets not derail a guuci thread please. <3
  5. twitch every day, its kinda funny some times. Mintlou as owner or Chris lord?
  6. Happy birthday my golden god! <3
  7. Jaydog!

    Olympics Results!

    Really enjoyed hosting the event! Thanks for playing everyone! :)
  8. that last clip tho... xD
  9. Plus his misses is up the duff, that might have something to do with the "ownership" thing
  10. You no Conor has said he wont fight again until he gets a percentage ownership of UFC. he has made 75% of their income this year, and saus he will not fight until he gets something in return.
  11. Cya later buddy! you will be missed... every last loud bit of you.
  12. Just to throw my bit in there, I get on with everyone in any channel... but in the interest of fairness sometimes people in the channel do certain things to bait mods into taking action... Some of us can see you doing it and ignore it, some don't see the 'bait' and take action. You don't notice at all that this stupid shit is ruining this community. People are leaving to join other places, if it carry's on like this then it will just be 'the OG Channel Community'. People wont post on the forums because they are scared of being trolled or rep farmed. People wont join team speak because they worry about getting torn into. People wont apply for member because they see Regular/VIP/Donate as a better tag now days. I don't mean to get at anyone, But this shit is ruining a community that is meant to be great... and it just isn't these days.
  13. You sure you didn't reply to the invitation 8 mins too late?
  14. (( if you could see his mod reviews you'd understand))
  15. Is about as good as being a stoner as he is mod.
  16. You should of held the "Roast me" sign up while you was in your mother and done everyone fucking favour you weeboo fuck.
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