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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dejay/ *Matchmaking Rank: Globell Player or reserve: Player **Can you honestly commit to this event: I expect so.
  2. That was ONE reason, but it's a shit reason. It's just a disadvantage which terrible CS GO player also have too. (like saying you can't use a pistol so you're useless on a pistol round) Also it's also a MOBA, which are much more in-depth than a frickin FPS. But yea, it's the same concept. In LoL if you have a useless player their feeding them and not holding their lane so it's a 4v6. If you have a terrible CSGO player their also feeding and giving away position and it's like a 4v6. It was a LoL tournament made by the better players in this community, see how there's some sort of correlation :~)
  3. He's usually busy Saturday nights having a hardcore party, I'll ask the babe now. Edit: 'Omg I can't do saturday evening omfg' *sighs and cries* 'Fucksake'
  4. Oh god not this shit again. Rhyse don't cheat ye fam? (Don't even deny you didn't, we all knew ffs) I'd probably me up for it I'd also imagine Thunder would be too the poor soul, not able to show of his sexy baseball cap. LETS GET PARADOX BACK BOYS :D:D I missed that beautiful Asian smile when he gets killed first night. I also fucking hate looking at myself on that video Jfc.
  5. Danny

    Olympics Results!

    omg me and skill failing at the last jump actually made us not first HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sry. :(
  6. Well the problem with that last pick (double pick) was OP cause Jamie ends up with a 3rd player as Kriss while Unseen ends up with Liutvi. :S
  7. Doing it over 1 Weekend is probably the best format, it worked very well for the League tournament. (Only had to delay the last game cause of Irish's Granddad) Just find the best weekend or whatever for the majority of people, then build from there. Also hf whoever wants to try and balance these teams.
  8. Pasickle has the most votes at 20. The hero we needed, but not the one we deserved. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MOD or RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  9. Sign me up, before you go go. Don't leave me hanging like a yo-yo.
  10. Easily Pasickle. Not even a contest lmao.
  11. It was a great one day when it lasted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Just sat here waiting for Eraser to get Global... Someday. I believe.
  13. Sure. Don't be salty, u fucks. 1. Thunder. The actual best IGL (IGL of Ya NAN) and commands the game quite often. Can micro manage others while keeping his level very high. Also, Bum Buddy. Can't think of a single bad thing about him... 2. Lewis. His terrible game is a 15/20 kill game, often being able to go carry mode and win a game. Doesn't however call out strategies much. 3. Jamie Dodgers. Isn't afraid to call out people and command a game. Also has a often consistent Deagle and Ak making him deadly on both eco and gun rounds. Can however let things get to his head. Tiltable. Also expects everyone to be on the same wavelength as him. 4. Nick. INSANE AIM at times. Can just fucking w and take your head off 30 rounds in a row. However can sometimes just fall off the side of a fucking cliff and go 5-20. (Can be troll-ish in gathers but who gives a fuck) 5. Brand0 the Command0. Has put A LOT of time into CS and improving. Starting to sort his game sense out (starting to actually adapt in the game and not try stuff that clearly will not work) and his aim is getting pretty fkin good. However on he relies on CT's pushing and peaking angles too much on the T side which can really work out vs Dip shits but can mean stale T sides or rushed executes (That's being really picky). Also is probably one of the more tilted player in OB, can sometimes understand his frustration but needs to take it down a notch. 6. Fluxxxy. Has a lot of impact on T side awping on a map which would be suitable. (not Train). Seems to have insane flicks on the awp at times. However can just whiff five flicks in a row when it's clearly not even necessary to flick. (STOP GOING FOR CLIPS WOMAN) Also seems to have a lesser impact on CT, seems not at home holding an angle. (Like Banana on Inferno) ;) 7. Mitch the Bitch. Haven't played with him out of gathers, but from ESL and some recent gathers I've been in with him he seems to have a relatively decent. Doesn't make any weird plays, which is a positive and negative in its self. (Also take it down a fucking notch with the all chat in gathers) 8. Stikeke. Good enough with an AWP and AK. Seems to be god tier with a Deagle though. Like Jesus Christ wtf. 9. Extinct. Irish fuck with shit aim should probably just jump off a cliff tbh. (xoxo) Gets 30 bombs but not a lot of impact with them though. 10. Shoutout to my captain, my captain OldMac. Decent awper, knows how to hold down an angle and when to not repeak. calls strats and calls mid game. However doesn't really have much consistency with his aim and having difficulties with his PC. New PC mike gonna rekterino. (If he gets one) Special Mentions: Simi (Seems to be dead now, probs all that alcohol on his wild nights out) Robert (Had probs the best natural aim in OB, just so ridiculous. Maybe got VAC'd, who knows.) Eraser (Best memes in Outbreak)
  14. Hey Sniffles. I don't really know who you are to be honest. As someone who's never really spoke to you all I've heard is bad stuff about you, about how irritating you can be or how toxic you are. Not a great thing I must say. This is how a most people who don't know who you are will view you, which could result you not getting member. -Integrate with everyone and don't sit in small channels with very few people. Play gathers, it's a decent way to show your k. You say you play gathers but I only ever say you playing with other regulars. Which doesn't really give you any presence at all. Show people you've changed instead of saying you have. Good Luck tho.
  15. Danny

    Key and Peele

    They're honestly the funniest shit ever. When they did this video, they then did it for real and it's fucking brilliant. But my favorite sketch has to be They also did some Epic Rap Battles of History which were entertaining. (Michael Jordan vs Ali) and (Gandhi vs MLK)
  16. Sign me up Can't sign up SIIIIIIGNN MEE
  17. I suppose it's better than being the first one to die every single 5 man ay?
  18. No but, if we start rejecting SOME children it is far worse than letting in everyone. Instead of letting 100% of the children it might stop lets per say, 5%. I don't see how this is a better. At all. The only way for us to make sure every single child is actually with their family is to let every single person in who claims to be one, until someone finds a different way. The argument shouldn't be about keeping people out of this country, it's about making sure children are getting into a settled place as soon as possible. You just have to. It's one of those impossible situations. It's potentially a child's livelihood. Yea idk neither. :) I would like to talk about American Politics because it's something that interests me, hence why I would complain about such thing. Surely you'd complain if in the same situation.
  19. Don't see why politically motivated topics should only go in the 18+ section, I'm sure people studying Government + Politics at college know a shit ton more about our system than some people here. (especially since all you do is rant) Anyways, the only way I know besides looking at teeth to test age is I think by looking at the proteins in someone's blood. Which giving a blood sample surely isn't a difficult thing to do and I don't see how it's unethical. But if someone doesn't want to get their teeth looked I seriously doubt they'll be accepting you taking blood. The huge problem with doing these sorts of tests that everyone grows at a different rate, so there will be failures no matter what. It's not like we're not gonna let children in, even when we properly leave the EU, we still have to do so.
  20. Got 3k RP. What do I even do. Such points many champions.
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