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Extinct ツ

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Everything posted by Extinct ツ

  1. You see here mister jackpot, I dont show myself off all the time because all the nuts plays I make are just an everyday thing for me and i dont get all out boasting when i make a play like you do. So enjoy your little 4k against some bots on matchmaking and enjoy this small amount of clips that I have put up for you to enjoy against high tier cs players. I dont usually record anything but this is the rare times i do. PS: ur fat and shit and you smell like brandon sometimes. ???
  2. This is when jamie thinks he can come back to cs and play it competitively, but then gives up after 2 days. ns though.
  3. Extinct ツ

    Tik tok

    Post ur fav ticky tocks here.
  4. Just some cs clips nothing much but funny. Need to get this thread going again, always funny to look back at funny clips.
  5. Bumped into this weirdo that wanted to eat me,I had so many funny moments with this guy since he stayed with me for like 40 mins, just wish i had recorded it all
  6. HAHAHAHAH this is the funniest shit ever, im dead. just hearing @Jamie starting to laugh knowing this will be a meme,really got me.
  7. happy birthday bro, have a good one you beautiful stoner. Edit: my gifs dont work ?
  8. golf it making people actually watch golf also golf with epic music is the funniest shit ever.
  9. hb one kiss is all it takes
  10. my boi bluntz gave us a shout to try it out. Joined, had fun and here we are now, doing fuck all. Loving it.
  11. Mini wont feel anything, he will be pissed off his head thinking he is a gay god. @Oldmike vs @Lewis
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