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Everything posted by Tiny

  1. Tiny


    Alright, since this is something that I have actual relevant experience in; Some people have asked what I actually did in TF2 - 1500 hours of comp at Plat level (3.2k total), most recently last season a team I co-led won Silver div. That was in the 9v9 format of TF called Highlander. Also played 6v6 at div 2, subbed for a div 1 team. I play Scout ~ Pyro for HL lulz. Overwatch is totally different from TF2. People try so desperately to compare them but they aren't really alike at all. Overwatch namely is much faster paced than TF. If you enjoy FPS games outside of "realistic" shooters like CS:S and CS:GO then you'll enjoy Overwatch. Ranked comes out soon and it's genuinely the most fun I've had in ages when you're queuing with friends. Only downside to the game is when you're getting rolled it's the most unfun thing in the world. I'd rather get aids. tl;dr if you like non-realistic shooters you'll like Overwatch. It's well developed and will be updated for a long time. It's also optimised and runs like clockwork compared to some of the shit developers usually put out. This is the only thing you said that I'd disagree with. The levels were designed without Widowmaker in mind.
  2. Nice event guys, thanks for letting me in despite me being l8.
  3. Player Name: TinyTerrorRole(s): Rifle, also let me guest commentate for the bantsRank (If signing up to be a player): I think I just hit rank 3Tournament (1v1, 5v5 or both): Both, someone pick me upCan you commit to the game days and show up on time?: Probably, I might struggle on weekends but as long as I have notice should be okayAre you going to be away at any point during the tournament? When to when?: Nah
  4. Ty guys, It's actually led to some people on the server calling me Tony. Dammit.
  5. Topic title ^ Biggles and his erection for changing my name. :[
  6. Hi Raiin, we played before. Welcome :)
  7. Tiny

    Event pls

    I mentioned this when I was in server before, but afaik we don't have the FF command? Could do gang wars etc with that, it'd make life so much easier. Set hp/armour/weapons too. Does such a thing exist in GO?
  8. Tiny

    ayy lmao

    Took me a fucking year to find my profile because someone changed my login username to Tony Hi :)
  9. Tiny

    Away Thread

    leaving 4eva and removing all ob from steam
  10. So.... i can get my car out from a customs shop?
  11. Could someone tell me why, when I tried to save a sports car in Franklins garage, it just reloaded his white car when I restarted the game >:(
  12. If it's not coming out for PC i probably won't get it. Will be too busy playing Planetside 2 and Hearthstone!
  13. Tiny

    Away Thread

    Away for 2 and a half weeks now! See Facebook for updates in the meantime. Love ya'll xx
  14. *busy having an actual life and sexual intercourse
  15. I just really don't care at all about youtubers or anything, I'm going to keep using ad block.
  16. Tiny

    Away Thread

    Think of my face x
  17. Tiny

    Away Thread

    Cash is going on a date/dinner, if he gets lucky he won't be here Saturday either (she'll sleep over on Friday night ;) ) Post translated ^
  18. We're most likely looking at rotation, but of very small maps. 2fort/Double cross maybe, since they're fun and easy to populate. We'll see. Thanks for the input everyone C:
  19. "and BTW antizombie you should read every single thing before you post your member app so fast.. just chill your tits man haven't you learned anything ?" Vodo says, as he posts in the wrong place to sign up for the MC server, even though THE POST ABOVE EXPLAINS WHERE TO LOOK.
  20. Generous of you, sign me up
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