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Everything posted by Biggles

  1. It finally happened dak dak
  2. Biggles


    Its commonly referred to as a tobacco cigarette
  3. That would be my famous brother, Jamie Wild
  4. Biggles


    Incase you think I'm trolling
  5. +1 The rims on his glasses were recently polished allowing him to enjoy the full reading experience
  6. Biggles


    My local town drunk/weird guy "Nick The Bag" was found dead today from an overdose outside the new Marks and Spencers. He was out in Chepstow town last night and I saw him creeping on the young girls like he always did, as usual he had his trusty bag on him. Its a true loss to the town and It'll take us a while to move past it. Please keep Nick The Bag in your thoughts
  7. Steam sales are on, Exploration Sale right now and Winter Sale will be soon after. What are your recommendations? Spec Ops: The Line - £3.99 - About 8 hours of gameplay but a really intense and dark story line guaranteed to make you question your humanity Tomb Raider - £3.74 - Semi-open world origin story for Lara, really great game I did about 50 hours on PS3. Rocket League - £10.49 - Addicting online fun Skyrim - £2.49 - If you don't have it, you need it for this price. I've spent about 300 hours personally on this game. Portal 1 & 2 - £3.59 - One of the best puzzle games I've played, nice simple story and puzzle game Fallout 3 GOTY - £5.09 - Comes with all the DLC's which each easily add another 15 hours of gameplay, best game Bethseda have ever made and one of my favourite games Bioshock 3 pack - £5.99 - Three amazing games for 5.99? Why don't you just kill yourself if you don't have it already Dishonored - £2.49 - If Valve made Assassins Creed, this would be it. 10x better than AC games.
  8. Biggles

    Bad injuries

    The worst ones I remember - Scolding my hands when I was like 4 - Stood on a 9 inch nail, went right through the center of my foot and out the other side - Ripped off my little toe running to the toilet and catching it on a skirting board - pushed over a massive metal thing and it landed on my ankle, crushing and breaking it - Got a scar perfectly under my entire right eyebrow from where I split it open running for the front seat of a car - Got some various scars on my back from falling off a really high rope swing and landing on a spikey log - Got pushed off a skateboard and ran my hand over, broke a finger and split the skin open - quite recently dislocated my kneecap whilst on teamspeak, but I'd rather not talk about that
  9. Paypal is the simplest and easiest form of payment for an online community, theres minimum setup required. Outbreak won't get a whole new payment system because some guy committed fraud when he was younger.
  10. I'm saying hes scripting until I'm proven wrong
  11. Yeah he is under appreciated when I think about it, hes done a lot for the community with very little praise. I told him earlier what a good job he did on the map remakes but I don't think he thought I was serious. +1 for skeff day :yay:
  12. Nah fuck all your shit, when you get older you'll realise how easy it was to just do that work and piss the exams. It gets a lot harder as you get older so just do the easy shit you have now
  13. Okay last one I'd like this one a mouse pad please and thank you
  14. https://justgetflux.com/https://justget ... tflux.com/ edit: Just saw realised Jak posted it
  15. You forgot the hidden penis you put in there I'm surprised you're the only one who's found it lmao
  16. Nice typing. I guess this means I now have to some some logos of my own? Well, my current list of installed graphical editing programs is limited to Paint, which screws that option. How about we go for some nice basic typography one? *Waits 5 minutes for 4 low-res images to upload. Thinks happily about how he didn't make them 4k*. We'll start with a nice generic one. Everyone loves swords and shields right? Then I got thinking about Outbreak as being a plague outbreak, and thinking this was a cool idea, got this logo: But went on to thinking how crappy that logo actually looked. Then I got this even more generic one, because it loops like an "O" and a "B" for OB. As soon as I uploaded this I realised that it's actually a "d" not a "b" shape... So, uh, I'll mirror it... when I get round to doing that. And finally, feeling deeply depressed at how uncreative I am, I ended up with this swords and shield thing. See what I did there? A bit of circular narrative... *looks balefully at English teacher* All of those logos have been taken from other companies/communities online Can you make the rule that you HAVE to use your own content?
  17. No qips, I recognise your girlfriend, where are you from?
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