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Time travel question.

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Happening folks.

So I thought I would propose this question to the floor. Me and my dad have always debated this topic though the years because it's a pretty intresting one and I wanna see what you guys would say. So here's the scenario.

In the near future you are a scientist working in a government facility that has unlocked the secrets of time travel. Now you have been selected for the first long trip back into the past, your mission is to spend 6 months living in Ancient Rome gathering observations and interacting with the Romans.

Now here is the question, you have a container, picture it about the size of your average car boot, and all you can take back with you is what is inside that container. So, what are the 3 objects you take back with you to convince the Romans you were a god/blow their minds.

It's an intresting one that makes you realise how much you rely on Internet and electricity.

Here are my three.

1. A solar powered electric bicycle - can be constantly powered over the 6 months and makes getting about much easier.

2. A scientific calculator, another solar powered beauty. Romans could get maths, if you could teach them what a calculator was and how to use it it would be a priceless object, you could probably have whatever you wanted in return for it.

3. A megaphone (+box of batteries) Romans loved public speaking, in fact most of their politics revolved around it, a megaphone would blow their tiny sandled mind and you could 100% tell them it enabled you to use the voice of the gods. Another object you could sell for great wealth to ensure you had a relaxing 6 months...

So what are your guys thoughts?

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1. Modern building materials/designs/mechanisms. Roman roads and structures would be even more durable.

2. Blue-water ships, navigational equipment (sextant, compass, modern maps). Actual ocean-going ships only really kicked off in the 15th century (yes, I KNOW people crossed the Atlantic etc. before but truly accessible fleets were the 15th C.). Romans able to colonise America? Imagine what that would have been like.

3. Probably after that, metallurgy and modern metal refinement, pointing them toward early electrical circuits and generation, even based on simple heat generators. Romans with power would be fab.

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1. Modern building materials/designs/mechanisms. Roman roads and structures would be even more durable.

2. Blue-water ships, navigational equipment (sextant, compass, modern maps). Actual ocean-going ships only really kicked off in the 15th century (yes, I KNOW people crossed the Atlantic etc. before but truly accessible fleets were the 15th C.). Romans able to colonise America? Imagine what that would have been like.

3. Probably after that, metallurgy and modern metal refinement, pointing them toward early electrical circuits and generation, even based on simple heat generators. Romans with power would be fab.

you have a container, picture it about the size of your average car boot

Some boot you got there Wist lol

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1. Modern building materials/designs/mechanisms. Roman roads and structures would be even more durable.

2. Blue-water ships, navigational equipment (sextant, compass, modern maps). Actual ocean-going ships only really kicked off in the 15th century (yes, I KNOW people crossed the Atlantic etc. before but truly accessible fleets were the 15th C.). Romans able to colonise America? Imagine what that would have been like.

3. Probably after that, metallurgy and modern metal refinement, pointing them toward early electrical circuits and generation, even based on simple heat generators. Romans with power would be fab.

you have a container, picture it about the size of your average car boot

Some boot you got there Wist lol

oh lmao i didn't read that i mean BLUEPRINTS of all of these things *ahem*...

Blueprints for blue-water ships are viable, I'd maybe include some kind of optics which would aid science/military/medicine and perhaps a solar-powered drone, which would hopefully demonstrate the importance of developing the electrical/flight technology I tried to bring earlier... Plus enormous military/diplomatic/scientific/ideological/cultural benefit of inspiring Romans on

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Okay, so I want to destroy Rome

I would be able to fit a small nuclear warhead (W78 should be able to fit in a LARGE CAR BOOT), and yields and explosion of 350 kt

Source for size: http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Weapons/W78.html With some elbow grease and modifications (and a container), you should be able to put the entire device in the boot.

Since I am a scientist, I should be able to make some sort of remote detonation device easily.

Once I arrive in Rome, I will tell them that they have to make me emperor, or else I will detonate this device, that will destroy their entire city. Here's where the remote detonation device comes in;

If they try to arrest me, I can detonate the warhead from afar; if they try to kill me, I will just detonate it whilst being next to it, and level most of the city doing so. I would be dead, yes; but leveling the roman empire's capital city at the same time, would be worth it.

https://gyazo.com/b40aa0b7d9ee3a278e620f5df22e525c This would be the fallout from detonation a 350 kt nuclear device in the middle of Rome, give or take a few metres.

Who said I couldn't be a crazy scientist?

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If I wanted to convince them I was a god I'd take with me

1. A finger print activated rifle

2. Body armor and then let them try take a stab at me

3. An in depth book on latin since you're pretty screwed if you can't communicate with them

Also take note that the average roman in that time was really small 160-170 for males so me being over 180 would be nice already.

If I wanted to advance these guys in technology really darn fast

1. Steam engines and a plan on how to build them

2. proper metal forging

3. How to build a printer press

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clothes, shoes and a toothbrush


1) Television.

2) Other transportation eg, cars and planes.

3) Show them pictures of earth and space etc etc.

What... might aswell take your pc with you and play some jb while you're there lmfao

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I'd lob Stephen Hawking in my boot, i'm sure he has latin on his voice computer somewhere. Need to make him solar powered somehow lol. He can teach them all they need to know while i eat the pot noodle i have also brought. The final thing i would bring, would be some historical documents so i can predict the future before it happens and freak them out.

Edited by Guest

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