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Blyss's member application (ACCEPTED)

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Player Name:

Blyss ≈ (King Blyss ≈ at the moment).

Date of Birth:



20 years old.


Oporto, Portugal.



Games Played:

A lot of them but mainly Hearthstone, COD2, COD4, CSGO , CS 1.6 , LoL , Silkroad and Soldier Front.

Roughly how long have you been playing our server(s)?

For about 3 weeks if I'm not mistaken.

What qualities can you bring to Outbreak?:

I think of myself as a really friendly guy, I try to help everyone if I'm able to. All I want is the best for the server and all the players having fun. I've only been here for arround 3 weeks but I've been so active and I've known so many people that it seems like half a year has passed and so I grew really attached to this community. I always try to calm things down and sort everything out when there are no mods/admins online, sometimes even when they are online I still try to help with stuff like :''Don't talk over the commander", We have enough CTs please swap to T", Mic checks, etc. because like I said I just want the best for the server it's not an obligation for me I just like doing it.

I can CT and T, I've became a much more calm person when I'm CTing I used to get mad really fast in my first days but that doesn't happen now I just have a laugh when I fail. I need to improve my positioning when I'm CTing but I think I can be a decent commander overall.

Tell us a little something about yourself:

My name is Ricardo Silva, I'm from Portugal and I'm 20 years old as said above. I have 1 cat which I love although sometimes he doesn't let me sleep because he's still 3 months old so all he wants to do is play with me and by playing I mean trying to eat my hands/arms. I only live with my mother, my dad moved away some years ago and I haven't seen him in about 1 year.

I'm going to start my second year of college in September I kinda miss it to be honest, not the classes but the college itself.

These holidays I've been pretty much stuck in house I haven't hang out with my friends much because my holidays started way after my friend's and now they're all away on another countries and I'm here alone, so basically other than some parties I've been playing JB and CS/LoL gathers with the lads.

Well that's pretty much it the rest is in my intro although I already repeated some stuff. My intro is here: http://www.outbreak-community.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6170


1. Why do you want to become a member? (Should be a question for future apps imo)

I want to become a member because pretty much I feel like I'm a member of this community. I don't want just the tag or I could've apply sooner and maybe I would get it, I want to feel like a member and I want to be considered one.

I've grown really attached to the server and the people on it,and thanks to those people I've had amazing experiences , made a lot of good friends and I knew a bunch of amazing individuals that I would certainly want to be friends with.

2. Have you ever been CT banned, gag'd , muted , etc.?

Not that I'm aware off.

3. Are you active on the server, TS and forums?

Server activity:

blyss ≈ : 123.7h

King Blyss ≈ : 78.63h

blyss ≈ aka unluckiest fktard : 6.05h

[KING] Blyss ≈ : 0.12h

Total of: 208.5h

I already had some time on the old server aswell but not much. I played all these hours in 3 weeks so I think I'm pretty active and probably one of the most if not the most active player in the server since I joined.

This was provided by gametracker and it can be seen here : http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

Forum activity:

On the forums well, this is like a new toy to me and I'm enjoying it a lot. If any of my posts are considered ''shit posts/spam'' then I'm really sorry but I don't even care about the post count I just like to read all the stuff different people post and give my opinion on it.

This is like a new 9gag for me. Everytime I'm not doing anything/waiting for something I just come here.

Teamspeak activity:

On TS I think I've been pretty active, I've been playing a lot of gathers although I still wanna integrate more with the group ,it's just a bit hard because they're all friends already and I'm shy so I don't even know what to say . Anyway I have a bunch of fun playing with them and I'll try to do it everyday!

EDIT: I've corrected some stuff: some grammar mistakes , some typos like saying in one of the questions that I've been here for 3 months after saying it was only 3 weeks, etc.

Edited by Guest

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