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Major Chaos

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Everything posted by Major Chaos

  1. This would not be fair as like Sony said he would win every week. :mrgreen:
  2. Shhhh don't start any kind of argument in any way or Gunstar may lock this thread. Please be good boys :mrgreen:
  3. You I'm in London you Scrub.
  4. Ok guys so I would love it if you guys could share your dream Job. It must be a realistic one and something you could achieve in the future if you worked hard (Or not hard) to get it. If you do want to include a daft one then please at least put a realistic one also. My dream Job would be probably still being involved on the railway. I would really like to progress towards construction manager for Overhead line works. Atm I may achieve this goal in 20 years haha. If I could pick anything though I would like to be in a boy band. Preferably One Direction, I could replace Zayn pretty well I think. :mrgreen:
  5. Good video mate thanks for sharing :mrgreen:
  6. Sony I feel like your point is invalid here and you seem to be trying to make an attempt at belittling me on a public forum for all to see. You see this is why I don't integrate with you very much. Uh oh this may get locked now :|
  7. Please can we stop locking posts when they start to get slightly heated guys. This is my entertainment when I am working away and grabbing some popcorn and watching an Internet argument unfold is sometimes my only way of getting through the night. Just let them go on a bit longer please as in all seriousness sometimes they get locked when there is actually quite a civil argument going on. Thanks :mrgreen:
  8. Love this guy, he's my online man crush <3 :mrgreen:
  9. You will be hard pressed to find a decent stand alone mic for 30 pounds although Twix suggestion seems legit. I have been thinking about getting one for a while tbh even though my head set one works. I have heard the Snowball ones like iszuka has got are good and pretty well priced. :mrgreen:
  10. Happy Birthday OB, although I have not been here very long I have really enjoyed my time in the community and hope to be here for the future and what it evolves into. I have enjoyed meeting new friends and just being able to come online and chill out and chat random shit with people on TS. I have a few memorable moments, one of them being watching the legend that is Mintlou playing Omni bus simulator and taking his bendy bus very seriously. The other one is something that not a lot of you will know what I am talking about but I just remember laughing so hard I nearly wet myself, I think Fluxy and Jamie will remember that skid that was asking a question and came out with "If iiiiiiiiiiiiiii". It won't sound funny reading that but holy shit I was fucking crying. Or the time Gaffer screamed Goal for literally 5 mins (impossible ikr). Anyway, Love you guys x :mrgreen:
  11. Fight Fight Fight.....get the popcorn out lads. :mrgreen:
  12. God damn VAC error. Sounds like I missed a good one. :(
  13. Nice to see a good introduction. Welcome to the community. Hope you stick around mate. See you online sometime hopefully. :mrgreen:
  14. I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But I have a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for trolls like you. If you change your name now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
  15. Hello and welcome my friend. :mrgreen:
  16. Ooooooh shots fired....Pew Pew :mrgreen:
  17. Hopefully I am back from London in time. Sign me up :mrgreen:
  18. Guys Guys Guys. You have it all wrong. +1 or -1 from none members and members means nothing. If the admins don't like you then rip member app. Tips on getting the admins to like you... ● Send them cases and keys ● Constantly pay them compliments eg "wow Gunstar you are such a great commander I love it when you command he he" ● Become friends with Blyss (Blyss is life, Blyss is Love) ● Don't hang out with the Vets.... :roll: ● Above all else bow to there every command. Hope this helps :mrgreen:
  19. Well it was going to be "Major Gay lord" but I thought that would give a bad first impression so I went with this instead. :mrgreen:
  20. I agree with Jamie as I also have a soft spot for this guy. Maybe because I feel sorry for him but I am not quite sure. Gets my +1 :mrgreen:
  21. Was not the best? It has about 2 words less than this one lol. Anyway welcome Bro, enjoy your stay with this wonderful place some call home. :mrgreen:
  22. He's on trial mate, this is the point where people normally stop the whole +1 milarchy :lol:
  23. Just my opinion but that idea is awful. If you want to go play DM go on a death match server. JB is not just about the actual game mode it's about actually having a laugh and integrating with people more than most other game modes. Some of my most fun times on JB is actually when I'm dead. Wether it be having a convo in chat with others or watching the chaos unfold in the game. I do understand it can get boring when it is a long round and you died in the first minute or so but if you find yourself constantly bored when dead then maybe this game mode is not for you. Also like Blyss said if we had this we probably wouldn't really have much of a community to speak of as most of the introductions and meeting new people etc is done in death chat. :mrgreen:
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