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Everything posted by Blyss

  1. Churd, you useless scrub, remove the 's' from https and it will work. Edit: I just heard it LMFAO. Btw from what song is that instrumental? Pretty nice.
  2. Blyss

    The FluxyBOYS

    Some really nice frags right there, loved the video. Also you guys are pretty funny had a good laugh watching this and now I miss playing competitive :grin1:
  3. Blyss


    Karambit Doppler , Marble Fade , Tiger Tooth Huntsman Blue Steel, Night Butterfly Vanilla. I think those are my favorites, if I had to choose one I think I would go for the Karambit Doppler, this one to be more exact. http://csgo.steamanalyst.com/id/62403692/
  4. Oh sorry ,I'll take care of that and if you want I can send you the image :)
  5. Blyss

    shadow case

    Imo the AK and the USP are kinda nice but are really overdone. The M4 is beautiful, too bad it got nerfed and won't be very used. Here's a video with all the skins. I love the Galil and hate the daggers, they could be so much nicer.
  6. So much time and we don't even get a perfect heart... Jk thank you for the event it was fun although valve ruined it :)
  7. LMFAO how the hell did you get that? Anyway this is pointless lock please
  8. This is why I love this guy. (Full homo) I would have to go with le troll face it's the funniest one and being confused/mad/unlucky all the time is kinda shitty so I shall be a troll forever. In a far far far away park just in front of your house you find a paper on the ground while you're taking your dog for a walk. On the paper there's a credit card number , the bank that it's connected to and it's password. You go home and straight to the computer and you log in the account on the banks' website. You find out that the account has 100 million euros on it. You check the accounts owner and you learn that it's from an institution that helps people with cancer that can't pay for the treatment. The account owner was an old man that lived close to you and dropped that paper by mistake. He needed it to remember his password and he had multiple bank accounts so he also had the accounts number on it. He died that same day so you could easily take the money for yourself. Would you rather: 1. Take the money for yourself and enjoy the life you always wanted. 2. Burn the paper and pretend you never found it so the when mans family saw the account they could decide what do with it. 3. Take the money and donate it all to people that need it. 4. Use the money to buy a negev, invite all your friends to a party at your house, stack them under the kitchen stairs and spray them all down as they scream "watifuk admin fweeekillll weespawn admin pwiss". Ignore the 4th option,it's my daily life @ clouds in a nutshell
  9. No no no no no! Lets take a trip down memory lane Mr Popey, My first ever game was on minecraft party, and trivia question comes up and poppy wins ( of course ) so the Warden says "pick 1 T to die" without even thinking you spat out " Jaydog!", same goes for blyss to be fair, he always picks me! lol Heyy I only picked you because you picked me before. Well tbf I kinda betrayed and killed all the CTs 10 seconds after you guys let me be Rumples pet lmao. Anyway, just like UnSeen said and I told you before, you haven't been here for too long but you're a great guy and def member material. So I guess you have my +1 to get trial and then we'll see. :grin1:
  10. God the nostalgia. Top dnb. Made me remember of this one and I'm already addicted to it, again.
  11. It's fine Blyss, that's the reason I made this thread, since everyone in OB is so passionate about Computer Science, they can't help themselves but write so much [look at all the intro posts lol]. Anyway, that's very good to know so many languages, I'm sure it will come helpful when needed. I personally only know VB.NET but at UNI we will be doing JAVA but I didn't have the chance to look at it yet How did you find the transition between vb and java? What were the similarities/differences? Btw Still waiting for someone to help me with my previous post :cry1: I used java to a bigger extent as in VB I only did basic stuff. They are very different languages but I prefered Java, seems more complete and acessible at least imo. You'll like it for sure. About your previous post can't really help you sorry :grin1:
  12. I knew it, that's why I asked you to start recording when I left. Gave them all a 1 month ban for their free killing , trolling and trying to ruin the game for everyone else. Thanks for recording and keeping the server clean Substick :D
  13. You talk about my 3rd option but ur 2nd is even worse xD Anyway I would have to go with option 1 because just like you I'm not a puss and it gives me and the rest of the people the best chances of surviving. Even if I told them that the plane didn't have enough fuel and they understood who knows where would they lead us to and they would probably kill us all in the end anyway. You wake up in an island and all you have is a bag with some food, clothes, a flashlight a knife and a weird watch on your wrist. You have no clue of how you got there and why. Then, you proceed to explore the island and try to look for someone that could help you. After a while you manage to find a guy that says he's friendly and doesn't want to harm anyone. He explains to you that you're in the island with 19 more people playing a game of survival made by some crazy organization. He says they gave those bags to everyone and they'll drop more bags with food and clothes everyday but only a short amount of them so people have to fight for them. He also tells you that you can only get out of the island if you kill 7 people and retrieve their watches. This was told to all the participants in this game but you can't remember because you tried to fight them and got tased.Would you rather: 1. Team up with that guy and try to get 14 watches so you both could leave the island, bare in mind you would have to share food and clothes with him. 2. Kill him, get his watch and proceed to look for people to kill them and get their watches. 3. Try to find a way to get out of there without killing anyone unless they directly attacked you. 4. Suicide. This was based on an anime called Btooom!. Also, I'm loving these big 'Would you rather' they are way more interesting than the regular ones that's why I'm posting here so much.
  14. 7'7 probably. I would hate being so short and I would be treated as a little kid. 7'7 is too much but at least I could be a pro basketball player or something. Hard one tho and no offence to short people :grin1: Imagine you were in the middle ages and you were the king of a poor but big town. There is a disease spreding out and killing a bunch of people. One day a medic tells you about a special medicine that can be made with some herbs that could cure everyone. The problem is, he only has a short amount of it and to get more you would have to enter in enemy territory. You tell the medic that it's too dangerous to get the herbs because your land is poor and therefore weak against the said enemy. He says he will only give you the medicine if you kill yourself so he can be king. You can't try to make him give it to you by force because it's not even ready and only he knows how to prepare it. When you get home you find that your wife and kids have the disease aswell and they could die at any moment. The medicine the medic has is just enough to cure them. Would you rather: 1. Cure your family therefore saving them but 95% of your towns population will die. You die aswell. 2. Seek for the herbs and having to fight the strong enemy to try to save your town, including your family.You would then make the enemy towns medic prepare it, if you won the fight which would be very unlikely. 3. Run away from the town and start a new life in another one like nothing happened. AND WHY?
  15. Basically what everyone said, I'll just give you my +1
  16. Dunkey is a legend I love him :grin1: Anyway If you need some one I'm up aswell, I was plat V/IV in my old account now I'm Gold IV since I don't even play ranked just some gathers with the OB lads. Main mid but I can do anything if needed. Ign Lakaish
  17. I would have to go with option 3. Option 1 is out of question because I would just be alone which is very dangerous for me and I would run out of food fast anyway. Option 2 is also out of question because I would be betting on a 50/50 chance of having someone with me and food/supplies for a week but then we would have to search for nore or he would die and I woild be back to option one after wasting time and food on the person. So I chose option 3 because I would have someone with me, I would get food for 15 days(4 places, food for 3 days each plus the food I have already for 3 more days) and then we could go find more together. Imagine you're alone at home, your parents left for a few days and it's 4AM. You live in a rather big house with 3 floors and you're in bed, browsing the OB forum. Also, you have a cat which always likes to play arround the house at night. Out of nowhere you hear a strange noise, it sounds like some one is trying to open one of the windows from the lower floor, and you're in the middle one. You get scared but you don't do anything other than wait to see if it happens again. Then you hear the door bell ring. You get out of your bed and you try to spot someone outside from the window but there is no one, only a van parked in the middle of the street. After a while one of the windows from the lower floor breaks and now you know there is at least one person inside. Then, you hear a strange noise from the top floor but you're not sure if it's someone that got in or your cat playing with something and you remember that you left the window open from that floor and someone could easily get there using a big ladder and then climbing a bit. You only have you mobile phone and a knife with you which you used to make a sandwish earlier. You have 3 options, would you rather: 1. Call the police but they will take 30 minutes go get to your house so you would have to distract him/them until then. If this option is choosdn you have to explain how would you distract them and you only survive of you have a good way of distracting them. 2. Make your way to the upper floor and figure out what was the noise you heard. You have a 50/50 chance of it being a burglar or your cat. If it's the burglar he will kill you if it's not then you can jump from the balcony to your neighbours balcony and stay safe/ ask for help. 3. Make your way to the lower floor and fight the burglar/s. You also have a 50/50 chance of surviving. If it's just one you're able to knife and kill him but if there are more they will kill you. For the sake of it I'll edit this post after some one replies and I'll tell you if you would survive or not, I have the results for option 2 and 3 written on a notepad and for option 1 I'll judge it myself but keep on mind that yiu're just trusting a 50/50 chance of surviving and you have no clue of the outcome of your decision. I can say that there some hints that you can use to help you choose but there are fake hints aswell. Also, thanks to UnSeen and Storm (sorry if it's too similar to yours, tried to make it as different as I could) for making it way more interesting, I hope this is aswell. :grin1: EDIT: venga that was good enough you would survive. :) Option 2: You would die, there was a van outside so they could easily have a ladder the cat thing was a distraction. Option 3: You would survive, there were 2 burglars one went to through the roof to the upper floor and the other one went through the lower one so you would kill him and run away. (Just for curiosity)
  18. (Somehow I only noticed this thread now and i spend a LOT of time here) Well what I'm studying in college is a mix of computer science with electric engeneering but it still has s lot of computer science. I've learnt C, a bit of C++, Java, a bit of MySQL , HTML and PHP. All of this in my first year of college. When I was on high school I learnt the basics of Java and Visual Basic but I forgot most part of it :p I had good grades, 15 and 16 out of 20 to be exact which is pretty good in college. (75% fail even more depending on the subject). They could be higher but on the group project I had really bad grades because we always started a 2 months project 1 or 2 days before the deadline and thus it lowered my final grades. I had a funny situation tho. In the second semester(our college year here in Portugal is split into 2 semesters where we have different subjects) I had to learn to program C, HTML, Java and PHP on Linux in which we had to use a console to do pretty much everthing except the actual code. I skipped a bunch of classes because I thought it was easy but then when I started to study it I realised how complicated it was. I went to the exam without knowing pretty much anything about the new stuff we had on Linux that was different from Windows. After doing it I thought I wouldn't pass.. I ended up having an 18/20. I still wonder HOW lmao :grin1: Anyway, I'm gonna start my second year on the 14th and there's nothing special that I want to learn I just want to know at least a bit of everything. But, what I really like to do is video editing. Fragmovies and stuff like that. I used to do it on my old PC , I did COD4 and Soldier Front fragmovies using Vegas Pro and AAE but with my current PC it's impossible because I can't even record due to low fps. I'm gonna get a new one soon and hopefully get back to editing. I'll even do some JB videos with clips from the server :D Didn't think I would type so much and sorry for any typos but it's 4 am ;)
  19. What's up with the long intros? lmao Anyway welcome to the forums, I've seen you on the server before and I like you, hope you have fun here :smile1: EDIT: There's no problem with your intro btw, you made an effort and that's great, it's just that usually they are either really small (e.g Hey guys Im Blyss cya) or just "normal" size and now ppl are starting to post big intros :grin1: Also, shh Gunscroob
  20. I just did it myself, gave him a 3 day ban for gunplanting a bunch of times and refusing to swap to T. Thanks Rev :)
  21. Although you aren't active on the forums I'll give you my +1 since you have everything we need in a member :grin1:
  22. Got it recorded on another map, also free naded a bunch of Ts and refuses to swap. http://www.4shared.com/file/QCax-aZ4ce/air_3.html
  23. [list=] Player Names: BWx ZeSnakey The Prophet Crac3R SteamIDs: BWx : STEAM_1:1:97145051 ZeSnakey: STEAM_1:0:54653187 The Prophet: STEAM_1:1:63816539 Crac3R: STEAM_1:1:62769662 Why should they be banned: Free killing, baiting, refusing to swap after being asked to because there were too many CTs and they had no mics. ZeSnakey was the exception he had a mic and was doing fine but in the last recorded round, when the mass freekilling started, he started spraying people. He said that they didnt have their backs against the cell door Evidence: http://www.4shared.com/file/1hL7SwCuba/spy1.html Date of incident (to the best of your knowledge): 6/9/15 @ 15:10
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