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Everything posted by Doomblade94

  1. I love Popey because his name sounds like Poppy; the flower that can both seduce and rufee your late-night date at the same time! :twisted:
  2. I saw this special day used in CS 1.6 jailberak back when I played it five years ago. It seemed like a really good game, but when I switched to CS:S the problem with it was that the CT's weren't entirely invisible; you could still see their knife which made them stick out like a sore thumb. I'm not sure if you fixed this for CS:GO Simon, but it would be best if CT's were COMPLETELY invisible. As for the plugin commands you did, I'm not too keen on the "Give Prisoners 100HP" option; I think that would take the purpose away from the medic as well as the "Toggle Cell Doors" command for the cell buttons.
  3. I read about this while browsing Dorkly a few days ago. Apparently there is a Japanese company called Vinclu who is making a product called Gatebox, which is supposed to be a "communication robot", though as you could probably tell by the thread title, it's really used to make a holographic waifu who has voice recognition on par with Siri. This is a small demonstration they released. I know some of you lonely wankers out there need someone to snuggle with at night, so maybe this is for you. Got any thoughts on this product that promotes unhealthy relationships with fantasy? Who would you make a waifu out of?
  4. Well this one isn't me but my great-aunt ate a cooked turkey heart once.
  5. I love Gunstar because he's an admin.
  6. Well hello there my lovely loco Coco! I've seen you on the Jailbreak server a couple times and you seem really friendly. I'm rather surprised that people would make fun of you for having such a sweet voice, though happy you decided to settle down with us at Outbreak. I'm looking forward to seeing you more on the servers. 'Til next we meet...
  7. Words of wisdom for rebelling by NoGood.
  8. Loves: Hates: She's banned. ==================================================== Loves: This is her btw Hates: She doesn't have CS:GO so we can't bond on OB :cry1: ==================================================== Loves: Hates: She has admitted to having 18+ husbands which makes me believe she is a succubus out to harvest their souls (and potentially mine) to resurrect her true love, Cthulu.
  9. So going back to your post on how to increase your post count, I'd assume you're admitting that the whole purpose of these threads is just to give you a few extra posts on your record.
  10. What about the MMORPG's? You need precise co-ordination with your guildies if you're ever going to get through the raids.
  11. Overly sauced and spiced human flesh. Would you rather have a shitty game that's all patched and functional, or a great game that's bugged as fuck?
  12. Not to get off topic here but what ever happened to our beloved oldies like TinyTerror? Did they just not receive word that Outbreak rebooted or did they decide it was time to set sail for other seas? (sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but I'm quite curious)
  13. I know non-mods/admins don't have much reason to be here, but I can't help but ask the question... You do realize you're reporting the OWNER of Outbreak, right?
  14. Two servers taken down by just the press of one single button? What kind of a button did Blyss fucking press, the Big Red Self-Destruct button?!
  15. What happened to all the SurfRPG servers that were rampant on CS:S? Why we no get any of those in CS:GO? :cry1:
  16. I've seen you around young'un. Seems like an OK lad. I do hope your depression passes soon, that shit is a living Hell to have as a kid. If it ever gets worse you need to seek help immediately and remember: while we may not be a group of psychiatrists you have our support here at OB.
  17. Ah spacejail... I remember that map, and I remember how there was the button in the Vent Cell that would get everyone inside it killed. Those were good times. I miss those good times. :cry1: Although I will say I don't miss Proxima
  18. Unfortunately they are all Foxy the Pirate from FNaF. I sure hope these guys aren't furries. I couldn't help but notice Flipsful's passionate confession. Bravo Flipsful, you're not ashamed to let your carnal insanity out of the penitentiary that is known as sanity.
  19. It matters not how much you like Coldplay's music, is their greatest song ever made!
  20. Here, you need some epic music to fill the void.
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