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+1 me I give you a compliment xoxo [OUT OF STOCK]

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Hi Addict, where do I begin? I think you're a lovely bloke who's making a really great first impression on the community at large. I believe that if you keep it up, you'll be fast-tracked for mod in no time! I'm sure you do not play CSGO on your laptop which rests next to you on your spot on the bottom of the bunk bed, while Darren jumps up and down on the bed throwing you off. I also have a feeling that you might enjoy the odd ghost chilli. I also like how you've managed to get so much minus rep. It's really cool. If I met you in real life I'm sure we'd be the best of friends, and I particularly like the bit where you attack people in the community. Particularly Jamie, as he's a little rimboy who's just desperate to get mod, because he doesn't know what power tastes like. Jamie is a big looser and you're right to stomp him and humiliate him publicly on the forums.

Kind regards,

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Hi Rachel, I like that you're somewhat claustrophobic following a traumatic incident in a cupboard, like that bit out of The Sixth Sense. I like how you can handle Mintlou despite him being a toxic misogynstic racist (also now a member of OB n1 admin team, good choice xDDD). Actually do find you a pretty funny person tbh, and like it when you're in the channel, as you always generate banter/chatter, even if it's not you directly saying stuff. You contribute more than detract from fun on the TS. My impression of you on the server is that you're as fair as you can be, and that you'll only get better as you get older. :) Hope you have a great summer and are looking forward to the holidays!

Kind regards,

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Hi Sniffles, I like that you love coca cola. That's really cool. With a name like Sniffles I'd have thought you'd like the other coke. xD I also like that you play CSGO in the dark, as it allows your eyes to focus more on the light coming from the game. I also enjoy that your name is Rich_Homie_Sniffles. That's pretty cool. I like that you're in OB and that you're a part of this community in the way that you do the rules and stuff it's really good. You might have pets, which is cool. I think we should probably get to know each other more - you can often find me lurking in one of the channels towards the top of the Teamspeak. Have a great summer, you deserve it. :) 

Kind regards,

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TheJamesG, I like you because you're good at doing the stuff. I enjoy how you're in Outbreak Community because I'm also in that community. I like you being on the TS, as you are a nice guy, and while you're occasionally a little spastic, it's in a nice way rather than a dickish aggressive way, so I think that's cool. It's permissible to be a little retarded aged 15, but to have a good heart like you do is far promising than being precocious at that age. I think you'll be happy in life and I think you'll make people around you happy, so keep on doing it. We need more positive people who add rather than detract from the world. :) 

Kind regards,

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Hi Pasickle, I like that Weezy says you're a nice guy. That must mean you're a nice guy. I've not spoken to you yet but I'd like to have a chat sometime on TS, as if Weezy will vouch for you you must be cool. :) I like that you liked this thread. The people who've liked it so far, with the exception of one, are generally positive and good people, and I can count you amongst those now. :) I think that you're enjoying the warm weather, as it's something that nice people enjoy - even if they also like the cool of autumn too. I hope that you enjoy the sun while it lasts and that you have a fun summer. :) 

Kind regards,

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Hi Rhyse, I like that you're always at the bottom of the teamspeak. It's cool. I like that you make an effort to speak to people, even though a bunch of us have known each other for years. I think that suggests you're a positive person who likes to take initiative in getting to know people, and it will serve you well in this community and in life in general. I like how your DP is of a cat on a unicorn. It's cool. I don't understand but then again I don't understand everything that moves me, and I think that's part of the majesty of art at its highest, where its impact is ineffable and unquantifiably impactful. 

Kind regards,

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Hi Mintlou, where do I start with you. Your hair is no longer curly (good) and you're good at knowing things that other people would consider too boring to know about, but are occasionally useful or interesting. You're fun to talk to because you hold a wide range of very controversial opinions, which means that any conversation with you will be interesting, and you're also good at picking up sophistry, which is good as that's pretty much most of my humour, so we're natural friends tbh. I like that you enjoy the occasional bait as it's usually really funny. I also think it's very nice of you to abuse any girl in Outbreak for purely sarcastic ends and to help generate some humour/banter, even if it is a little bit creepy some [all] of the time. I also like how you did the amazing VWA pictures. They're cancerous af and I love them. You're great at making up terrible jokes/memes and you often get behind them quickly if they're the right one - you occasionally miss the mark but rarely. You're also great at doing impressions of pretty much everyone. I like it when you do Marge Simpson. She is a good Simpsons character.

kind regards,


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Hi weezy, I like that you're Dutch. I like that you don't smoke weed as much any more. It's good because I was really worrying for you and I would pray for you every night to kick your addiction, and I'm so glad that my prayers came true and you finally saw the light. I like that you're the perfect balance of chill and AIDS, it's really nice. I also like how you get super angry over bizarrely trivial things that wouldn't trigger anyone else, yet you are chill about stuff that makes everyone else mad. It makes you unpredictable and fun to be around. You're one of those people I can just talk to about whatever, and it's fun to talk about the more in-depth stuff with you when we actually get round to it. I also like that you talk to my mum on Steam (I left it on the home laptop), and that you warned her about how creepy Mintlou was - I thought that was really kind of you. I also like that you sent me your old mouse when mine was a piece of shit, and that you can pick to stay with me or Gaffer should you ever come to Manchester, which you should. Also your accent is cool. And even though you can't really help me get member, you're still my favourite Dutch person in OB, bar none. Hope to see you soon slug.

kind regards,

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