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Corrupt A Wish!

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You get your wish but its so nice it never runs out. You have to keep chewing until your jaw is barely moving and the bones are grinding together making it so painful that you can never eat or drink and you are in a hospital until you are 140 and you die being in agony for 125 years. Then the devil takes you and tortures you in a pit of damnation and fire for all enternity.

I wish JDOG didnt double post for his wish

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i wish that my chewing gum tasted like something nice.
You get your wish but its so nice it never runs out. You have to keep chewing until your jaw is barely moving and the bones are grinding together making it so painful that you can never eat or drink and you are in a hospital until you are 140 and you die being in agony for 125 years. Then the devil takes you and tortures you in a pit of damnation and fire for all enternity.

I wish JDOG didnt double post for his wish

Wish granted but then John Wayne Gacy comes by your house and violently ass-rapes you before moidering you and shoving you in his crawlspace with all the other dead boys he's raped.


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Wish granted all the potatoes in the world have the ability to fly. Most of whom don't as they are too lazy. However there are many who do. Soon they are flying around in flocks similar to ducks. Soon governments are panicking about how these seemingly inanimate vegetables have sprouted wings and gained the ability of flight. Although some have been captured and deemed as "Safe" to the immediate public. A few weeks go by and the number of flying potatoes has almost grown out of hand. Thousands of people protest outside of the governmental buildings; dawning signs that read "What are you doing potatoes? You're not a bird, you don't even eat worms." And the ever popular " Go home potatoes, you are drunk.".

The government is forced into necessary action as the peoples demands grow ever more restless. A study into how the potatoes seem to be multiplying so rapidly is ordered. And in another few weeks time the answer is found.

It seems as though the potatoes had been observing the roosting and mating methods of a common bird, the pigeon. The potatoes had been reproducing and would be over taking pigeon nests in order to rise their young spudlings. They seemed to be able to take over the pigeon nests with ease due to their superior size.

Another week passes and the people have erupted into rioting. The population of flying spuds had made life almost unbearable. Houses had collapsed under the sheer weight of all the potatoes living in the rafters of their house. People where getting desperate.

The government decided that in order to stop the chaos a cull of all flying potatoes had to be ordered. So the army and all available member of the public were drafted in. They where given weapons of all sorts, but mostly sporting supplies like cricket bats and tennis rackets. And the greatest flying potatoes massacre in history was carried out.

Another two weeks passed as the remains of uncountable flying potatoes slowly began to carpet the streets and houses. In some cases the density of potato matter was so much that children began acting like it had snowed overnight. You pick up a news paper, only to read a lovely light-hearted article about a local "Potato Man" competition that was taking place in a local park. You chuckle to yourself and begin making your way home; your shoes coated in naught but the carbohydrate flesh of thousands of destroyed potatoes. You think about how people may view this as the Mayans prediction of the end of the world. Perhaps there would be movies about this. You stop and look down at the floor, then up at a destroyed house. And to think, you where responsible for all this. You continue walking, disregarding the thought with a slight chuckle.

You phone begins to vibrate in your pocket, shocking you out of your own thoughts and back into the real world with a slight jolt as it catches you off guard.

"Hello?" You say as you pick up.

"FateMaker! You've got to get home right now! Their doing a public service announcement on the telly, Apparently there's something really important to hear about the flyers." Said Rebecca with a slight pang of worry in her voice.

"I'll be home soon darling, don't worry." You say as you quickly hang up and start jogging through the squelching vegetable matter. Nearing your house you hear a large crash, followed by an almighty explosion in the distance.

Taken completely by surprise you spin round, only to see the house at the end of your road in flames, somewhat perplexed and startled by what had just happened you sprint up to your front door taking two steps at a time. You fumble desperately in your pocket for your keys. Looking back at the burning house that seemed entirely engulfed in flames. Finding your keys you jam it into the lock. You open the door. Get on the floor. Everybody walks the dinosaur.

I wish they won't make anymore Star Wars films.

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Wish granted all the potatoes in the world have the ability to fly. Most of whom don't as they are too lazy. However there are many who do. Soon they are flying around in flocks similar to ducks. Soon governments are panicking about how these seemingly inanimate vegetables have sprouted wings and gained the ability of flight. Although some have been captured and deemed as "Safe" to the immediate public. A few weeks go by and the number of flying potatoes has almost grown out of hand. Thousands of people protest outside of the governmental buildings; dawning signs that read "What are you doing potatoes? You're not a bird, you don't even eat worms." And the ever popular " Go home potatoes, you are drunk.".

The government is forced into necessary action as the peoples demands grow ever more restless. A study into how the potatoes seem to be multiplying so rapidly is ordered. And in another few weeks time the answer is found.

It seems as though the potatoes had been observing the roosting and mating methods of a common bird, the pigeon. The potatoes had been reproducing and would be over taking pigeon nests in order to rise their young spudlings. They seemed to be able to take over the pigeon nests with ease due to their superior size.

Another week passes and the people have erupted into rioting. The population of flying spuds had made life almost unbearable. Houses had collapsed under the sheer weight of all the potatoes living in the rafters of their house. People where getting desperate.

The government decided that in order to stop the chaos a cull of all flying potatoes had to be ordered. So the army and all available member of the public were drafted in. They where given weapons of all sorts, but mostly sporting supplies like cricket bats and tennis rackets. And the greatest flying potatoes massacre in history was carried out.

Another two weeks passed as the remains of uncountable flying potatoes slowly began to carpet the streets and houses. In some cases the density of potato matter was so much that children began acting like it had snowed overnight. You pick up a news paper, only to read a lovely light-hearted article about a local "Potato Man" competition that was taking place in a local park. You chuckle to yourself and begin making your way home; your shoes coated in naught but the carbohydrate flesh of thousands of destroyed potatoes. You think about how people may view this as the Mayans prediction of the end of the world. Perhaps there would be movies about this. You stop and look down at the floor, then up at a destroyed house. And to think, you where responsible for all this. You continue walking, disregarding the thought with a slight chuckle.

You phone begins to vibrate in your pocket, shocking you out of your own thoughts and back into the real world with a slight jolt as it catches you off guard.

"Hello?" You say as you pick up.

"FateMaker! You've got to get home right now! Their doing a public service announcement on the telly, Apparently there's something really important to hear about the flyers." Said Rebecca with a slight pang of worry in her voice.

"I'll be home soon darling, don't worry." You say as you quickly hang up and start jogging through the squelching vegetable matter. Nearing your house you hear a large crash, followed by an almighty explosion in the distance.

Taken completely by surprise you spin round, only to see the house at the end of your road in flames, somewhat perplexed and startled by what had just happened you sprint up to your front door taking two steps at a time. You fumble desperately in your pocket for your keys. Looking back at the burning house that seemed entirely engulfed in flames. Finding your keys you jam it into the lock. You open the door. Get on the floor. Everybody walks the dinosaur.

I LOL'd so hard at that, although I was hoping for an actual ending rather than a rhyme.

Anyways, your wish is granted, but soon the crazy Disney fans find out that it was your wish that caused the cancellation of episode seven. Seething with rage and hatred, they storm your house in the middle of the night. Lobbing molotov cocktails through your windows, your house is quickly engulfed in flames. You, however, wake up just in the nick of time and leap out the window with your trusty shotgun. Facing the seemingly endless horde of rebels, you charge forward with an epic battlecry and gun them down one by one. When the sun rises, the streets are flooded in blood, the bodies piled up high as you set them on fire singing "koombaya". The police come and arrest you for massive murder, and you are found guilty by the court, since the jury was a group of Disney fans as well. Sentenced to die, you await your end in a dark prison cell. However, you are not alone. Out of the bathroom comes a very horny and semi-naked serial rapist, who pounces upon you and rams his cock up your ass. Your tissue is torn apart as his privates tear through your anus, and you scream in pain and agony. This only arouses the sadistic criminal, who rapes you so hard that it reaches up to your heart and punctures it. Bleeding out, you gasp for one last breath, before your mouth is filled with the rapist's groin & die.

I wish for Penut Butter Jelly Time!!!

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Wish granted but all you get is males like a hiding paul(ine) which makes you cry so much you drown in your own tears.

I wish whatever i ate or drank, if i wanted more of it i could just make it appear.

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