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Everything posted by Sniffles

  1. got me there tbh at least I'm trying to make a difference unlike people who've been staff previously :)
  2. Aha that's a really funny picture dude, you totally got me there! good job keep it up
  3. People complain about the state of OB and how it will survive then shitpost over the forums and make 0 effort to help Am I being stoopid or?
  4. Fuck off you cunts don't shitpost on my threads ty also @admins hello? do your job? thanks x
  5. not really the topic to argue the definition of a community, wonder why staff haven't cleaned the thread up
  6. Post your top five games of this year, here are mine; -Doki Doki Literature club (It's a free game on steam and on first glance, it looks shit but after about 30 minutes of gameplay you will understand why it's so highly praised) -Arma 3 (bought it on the sale about a year ago, never played it until a friend of mine recommended trying Arma Life, I found it so fun I now have around 1.5k hours on that server. @Lupha plays it which I didn't know until around 2 months ago) -Smite (MOBA with a lil twist, super easy to get into and offers both casual players and more competitive players areas to shine @Skillershark plays it I think) -Overwatch (been playing this every day starting from around a month or two ago, while first I didn't like the game, I found my "main" and ever since then have had fun meeting people in voice chat and arguing with hanzo's in comp) -OSRS (even though I've stopped playing now I managed to get my account pretty good before I sold it to a mate IRL, fun game and beats RS3 by miles)
  7. When a shit rapper overdoses and his fans think every conversation to do with drugs is about him
  8. So who's going to break the news?
  9. At first I too was wary of the new game, I watched some reviews online (both paid and honest), played in the beta and have had many conversations whether they've ruined the franchise and if by the last game even if they do make a good game can people forgive them for being money hungry and putting the feedback from consumers second to DLC, my decision is that unless there is a completely new management / new heads in the studio who know how it feels to watch a massive franchise turn into dust that only gets brought up in conversations that involve games that have gotten worse the more they're produced, and for that reason I will not be buying Sonic Forces.
  10. Sniffles


    Worse audio apparently, hard to moderate, people who smoke weed use it
  11. The only thing keeping OB "Alive" is the OG channel and some League of legend players who only stay since It's more convenient and is like an online coffee shop
  12. Ready salted are better than cheese and onion
  13. I drink pepsi and energy drinks to give me a boost of energy but if I died under the influence of that I very much doubt you'd be wanting to get rid of them;) you can't argue the point that weed is bad due to how it influences people but then not also with equal hatred disown anything else that may (even if it's a tiny percent much like weed) lead people to death or harm
  14. I've smoked weed to help with depression and anxiety and It's probably stopped me from doing regrettable things. I've also taken doctor prescribed drugs and the effect that had on me was worse than before I took the medication (Sickness, Not being able to sleep). never known anyone to die from weed itself? I'm sure there is cases out there but if we looked at the numbers I'm sure it wouldn't be weed itself but the person smoking it's actions that cause the death
  15. Traps are gay Pepsi is better than cola The world would be better off under English rule Death penalty should return Pedo / rapists should be hung you can like anime without turning into something like Revan Thor is stronger than the hulk
  16. Sniffles

    It's over.

    If this get's 20 "no thanks" I'll go try find unseen IRL and ask him to take over
  17. Sniffles


    Why'd I just get shot out for no reason
  18. Sniffles


    Cheery cola tic tacs are currently 3 for #1 :) post office
  19. Sniffles


    Boycott the forums until we get a shout box?
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