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Everything posted by Finnley

  1. 11/10 people in OB are cunts.
  2. 1/18 Irish people is a cunt.
  3. I am going to be honest, I have no clue what I am supposed to do. EDIT: Alright nevermind I get it, shame on the bamboozlers!
  4. http://plays.tv/video/5abd53cec71c601c86/drfgtdf ignore talking
  5. I think Iron cage is Raven's bp
  7. Wallets out boys, look what's upcoming:
  8. @Blyss Literally the biggest pickaxe from the game is sticking out of it, how did you not see that O.o
  9. https://plays.tv/video/5ab7ffffc6f1052716/yyyaaaaaas-natascha-kiss-me
  10. http://plays.tv/video/5ab6dad523c29ba431/asdasd http://plays.tv/video/5ab7ec876158942e53/asdasd Not the same links.
  11. https://plays.tv/video/5aae66c3d10d8054da/slick WARNING - Loud screaming
  12. https://plays.tv/video/5aaaf80c36e193e1b5/my-subconcious-takes-over-or-something
  13. Must've planned it that fucker. F (for real tho)
  14. This is not a game to get stuck to no, but it's free laughs really.
  15. H1Z1! Yes, I know it's kind of dead, but apperently they just finally "released" their game. So without anything in beta, they put a new gamemode in beta called Autoroyale and holy it's actually fun for at least a couple of games. Also perfect for these times when you absolutely hate your main game, because it just sucks in every aspect. When was I ever wrong about these things?...
  16. The second one just released, that's why it's on sale. I have it and played it. It's kind of like L4D2, except in Virmintide melee is the main focus. It gets repetitive really fast and frankly there is not much content. Grinding for weapons takes long and is not rewarding at all. I heared the second one has a little more content to actually make the classes a little bit diverse, but I don't know if it's worth my money tbh. Definitely fun for a good 20 hours though.
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