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Everything posted by SonyTwan

  1. why did you even make a thread about this
  2. I do that without hacks
  3. If the sun never rose then chances are we'd be dead, but yes there is a lack of sun, even in summer. Hasn't rained that much to be fair recently. If there was one thing you had to change about Spain what would it be?
  4. nice biggles everyone post more stuff :^)
  5. SonyTwan

    Just testing...

    i'm not sure what it's implying
  6. always has been cupboard in our family
  7. If you knew the rules then why would you do it in the first place? It's up to Venga really, he issued the ban.
  8. I also enjoyed a spot of badminton but I agree with lobster
  9. Other than causing a 20 minute round by "actively rebelling" in extreme climb, +1 from me :^)
  10. Funky as fuck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-zwQZs0Igw
  11. landshark isn't even joking well played fluxy
  12. Dreadful map: - 2 games, one of which doesn't even work properly - Vent cell literally next to armory - Incredibly small - Can't check top cells for weapons unless you actually open the cells, revealing the stairs - Gun in cell, gun right next to cells behind a box, AK47 in medic
  13. valve hates fun i approve of the idea though, plus custom sprays will actually be visible from more than a meter
  14. SonyTwan


    valve hates custom games
  15. Incredibly over hyped and people have spent way too much money on it expecting disappointment
  16. I agree plus if it does happen in Nottingham like it said it'd be e-z for me
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