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Everything posted by UnSeen

  1. Sure what's your LoL name? :o
  2. Hehe been dere done that. Also spent the day playing games with Gaz..won 4 ranked games out of 4 :3 Anyhow for anyone still interested in signing up for the team, we have 2 spots left :3 At the moment : Team Name : GazWillFeed Jungle : UnSeen Support : Gaz ADC : Open / Gumzter Mid : Open / Gumzter / My Danish Friend Top : Open / Gumzter Adjustments etc can be made...that's just what has worked out so far :o Also guys this is a general LoL thread...so feel free to share experiences, builds etc that you enjoyed ;D
  3. Hmm :o Nice guy...and you probably have just missed out on him Nutcracker :3 I'm on a lot [#addictednerd] and I've seen him to be an active player who doesn't argue with rules or decisions. He taught me what little I can do with bhopping and gets my +1 :3 Also Ameme...I may be a shit surfer but I still smash your general aim, even with 10 fps >:3
  4. Who needs pornhub? I got Ben and OB. :3 11/10 :3
  5. UnSeen

    Bad situation!

    Ahah this seems like fun xD So...first off I'd take Cash. Le main man called David has age as his proof of wisdom. Second up I'd take Keiji...he's a wizard, he'll dominate them. My third option would be Ameme, he is my irl and although he wouldn't hurt a fly out of hate...to defend someone he as muscles of fking steel, he plays rugby for a reason xD Finally I'd take the maker of this thread himself, gaffeR. If we are losing at least they'd feel terror when he calls them a bunch of cunts. xD [Extended versions to that offence are probable] Lol xD I have many other combos...but I don't take it too srsly because I know I have the speed to run away from any sticky situation so xD
  6. SkarnerNub. VeigarNub. Anyhow at those who play it a bit more regular...I'm gonna make the team today..not necessarily meaning we will play it's just to invite those who are interested and know where I've gotta find people to fill gaps.
  7. Ahah saw you yesterday on the server..wasn't around when you were here last time but you seemed like a nice funny guy to hang out with xD Welcome back :3
  8. UnSeen


    When JohnDoe is becoming child DoomBlade. JohnDoe...what happened to your innocence? The innocence of youthful immaturity? xD On the other hand...Muffins :D?
  9. There :o You just click the button above the forum type box which says 'YouTube' and put your link in between it. You also linked the mobile version or smt, but oh well xD As to my song
  10. Ahah welcome to the forums mate xD You've been already summed up. Bristol > Showers > Almost Dead :3 We love those type of guys, you'll fit in well xD
  11. Happy man...I mean it's an improvement that you have the layout but I told you to talk to me about it first mate. You clearly aren't getting what people have meant by it all..and well I'm happy to explain if you let me. It will mean you are going to have to be patient and you will probably have to wait a month before your next possible application. However this will give you plenty of time to sort out everything and get better known. I mucked up my first app, it's learning from your mistakes the following month that people respect and +1 you for. :3 Just type to me on steam if you want to talk.
  12. I know this is a month old, but as no one replied to it and to me it's a topic that's just come to my attention..well...I've never really got into the BF Series...but this seems pretty damn good...but the same issue will turn up evrtim...gibe moni all da time. xD Either way...it'll be a back up plan if COD don't step up their game in their next release, I'm no black ops fan tbh, so it'll be good to try smt new :p
  13. I added you on steam mate, 8pm doesn't sound too bad but it'd just have to be the one game as I have a bunch of tests tomorrow :s I've added you on steam either way, so just message me when you feel up to it and I'll let you know if I can or not ;D
  14. Count me in :3 I've got friends who have played both of the games, and I'd be interested in either of them :D
  15. It's back up Ameme so yeah :3 Either way gratz mate ;D
  16. Hehe fair nuff' Gaz...well it'll be fun to try get another one together...I know the feel about too much jungle leading to poor last hitting, but we'll see about positions when we all get together or something :3
  17. True :3 Though only by one league xD My other 'higher level Danish friend' is Gold IV xD Only recently moved his way up from silver. Silver to gold is apparently one of the hardest transitions though...a lot of people find once they get in Silver Division I, they only get say 5 points per game unless they play with someone who is an even higher rank. I never really got into Dota :o Though the power of a tree and a blue ninja will always be respected x)
  18. Ahah well...EU West standard is a hell of a lot higher than EU East, but either way if you want to play my lvl 30 acc is UnSeen, my lvl 15 acc is MovieWatcherL2p [Don't ask xD]. I know you're probs a busy guy, but up to you if you got time for a game :3 I don't really find LoL fun unless it's with mates and either it's noob irls or my higher level Danish friend who is away a lot recently due to irl issues...so :p
  19. Poop = President Of Our Peace :3 OR SMT LIEK DAT xD Either way...IT REPRESENTS AWESOMENESS xD
  20. SO'S YO FACE :3 Nah jk, everyone is entitled to their own opinion...though it is often said that people often dislike a game if they are bad at it, though I disagree with this because the amount of retards in Bronze division makes this statement seem false xD Well if you wanted to play sometime, you could just make another account of EU West and I'd just go on my lower level account [Which I made to play with irl friends who were new]. It's still lvl 15, but if you play on NA it's not like you're new and you won't know the game. Up to you ofc. :3
  21. Ahah fair nuff' choco :D Sure we can play sometime. Sounds good Porko :3 And Fluxy...custom games still count xD Besides, Skarner be op sahn ;D
  22. :o Don't you worry, don't you worry child...don't you worry, don't you worry naaaoooo :3
  23. Hehe sounds good :3 Good that you can play anywhere Gumzter + it'd be helpful to know where you play Fluxy. I looked at 1 of your ranked teams history's, and although you were playing AP Yi which would make me assume you were mid. You also had a LB, a Volibear and a Tryndamere who all had ignite with you + a Maokai jungle. Lets just say there is no team comp or position to me there xD So yeah we'll see :3 No pressure for it...at the end of the day it's for OB fellas to have some fun, but for me it's no fun unless we actually have got a team with positions :p
  24. It derailed...because...mwah :3 Nah this topic is about the fact that the community can still get together and do stuff, so in other words it's about everyone. I'm listing everyone therefore technically not off topic at all. The sucky sucky 5 dollar was quite simply a reference :3 On the other hand...2 more people have posted who weren't on the list xD gaffeR is... a muppet. John is... a gay. Fluxy is... a drunk. Prof is.. a poop. Wist has...got a sister. Doom is...nuff' said. Biggles is...needing moni. Scrooge is...a major fgt. DAFFY IS...colonel of the qq brigade Cake is...prince charming. Landshark is...a manslut. Venga is...the other major fgt. Jak is...blue. McLovin is...LE BOSS ThomasR is...secretly a master samurai.
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