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Everything posted by Dave

  1. +1 active member and fun to have around.
  2. Home educated. Basically I don't go to school and my parents or another tutor comes in and teachs me at home. It isn't that bad.
  3. Dave

    Away Thread

    In Nottingham until next Wednesday. Won't be on server until Friday-Saturday. I will be active on forums though.
  4. Knight and Day Kung Fu Panda (yeah I know) Minority Report LOTR Triloligy anything going really.
  5. You get all the steam games but you become addicted and play 24/7 for the rest of you life, non-stop and you become the wierd guy on the down the road. I wish I was the Grim Reaper.
  6. Dave

    Post your flaws!

    I act too quickly, I also say things to people when I'm in a bad mood and don't mean it. Also I say things that arn't my place to say those things.
  7. You get your wish but you get shagged by Welsh freaks :D I wish I was good at Bhopping
  8. lose 10 years of my life fuck school :D would you rather be in a zombie apocolypse or a natural apocolypse. (both have high chance or death)
  9. Wish granted but you drink too much as there is no hangovers and you die of organ failures. I wish I was dead.
  10. Wish granted but your satsumas turn out to be oranges. I wish for £100 on steam wallet.
  11. I have seen him a few times though...
  12. Yeah from what I have seen good player +1
  13. Seen him a few times, decent player +1
  14. I agree with Jordan + you freekill. I don't have evidence but I have witnessed it on numerous occasions. You are a good player though and everyone freekills accidently sometimes but I don't think you should be a member. just my opinion.
  15. +1 great guy. Just to add you do go on CT sometimes without checking ratios.
  16. Ok thanks and to take it off you just delete files?
  17. I thought Lord was male as well Lol
  18. This probably sounds noobish but how do you get skins? and how do you put them on?
  19. Frown my face would ache so much with the smile. Would you rather watch twelve days or TV non stop or be on the computer 24 days non stop?
  20. Welcome. Maybe a bit more info?
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