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Jake <3

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Everything posted by Jake <3

  1. So, this is a very popular game among the CTs, which I have a bit of a problem with. My ping is fine (<30ms), internet is fine (20mb/s), sound drivers are fine (don't suffer the same problem in other source games). However, it's impossible for me to survive it. I see other people performing the command before I've heard it, so I can't possibly "react" to something I haven't heard yet. I actually usually end up copying other people, due to the audio lag. So, do I have some strange audio lag of .2ish seconds, or does everyone else just have negative reaction speeds? Thanks.
  2. Jake <3

    Laptop is nuked

    Could be a variety of things. However, the fact that it boots in safe made means the essential parts of the PC (hardware) are likely okay. Safe mode doesn't load drivers like your graphics card's, so that kind of thing could be an issue, since GPU drivers are often pretty buggy. Depending on your graphics card (Nvidia / AMD), you'll need to use a program (Catalyst Control Centre for AMD, unsure about nvidia) to update your drivers. If this doesn't help, uninstalling + reinstalling them may help. If these don't fix it, I'd suggest posting to r/techsupport for further support.
  3. You're just a mean old bully.
  4. As fun as a minigames server would be, each PB round usually has some minigames, so I'd rather any MG ideas just be built into lovely new PB maps. Gun game is a bit "serious" for my liking, and it'd have a pretty different atmosphere from the relaxed / casual one of PB. Zombie is pretty casual, and has a lot of scope for adding mods / donator perks (skins / spawn items, etc). It's certainly the only one of the 3 I'd play. :) Edit: Also, zombie escape is pretty fun. Perhaps even a mix of zombie + zombie escape for the ultimate zombie server?
  5. Jake <3


    Sounds lovely, I'd agree with the previous suggestion of only members+ though, as it stops randomers getting a regular banned or something similar. Votekick or votemute are an excellent first step though. If the votekick had a ban of 5/10 mins attached to it, that would negate the need for a voteban entirely.
  6. Jake <3

    Long ROunds

    My favourite game. Also, try doing cinematic tours of the map, as if you're filming an advertisment. Fun.
  7. Jake <3

    So. Donations.

    Come back to 12 replies, only one with vague info. Goddamn derailing. Also, donated earlier today, when'll my acc be made "Donator" or.. whatever?
  8. Jake <3

    So. Donations.

    No shit, I'm from TF2, hats are my life. What're the extra tiers + rewards though? It's nice that they stay forever though :3
  9. Jake <3

    So. Donations.

    Okie, so been lurking a bit, seen some conflicting / confusing info re: donations, and would appreciate a bit of clarification. So, I donated £3, now I get donator skins + hats for the next month. Okay. However, what happens when the month is up? Do I lose these? Do I keep them? If I keep them, what's the motivation to carry on donating? There's higher tiers of items, right? What're the tiers? Just... a bit of clarification / explanation would be lovely. Thanks :)
  10. Y'know, I've never been more confused by a post reply.
  11. Right. Since I don't get a chance to talk to many of you whilst trying to stab you in the face... Hey, I'm Jake. CS History: Never played before I got an invite into the beta from Valve. Also got a tradeable copy, sold for $30 (more than the full game). People are strange. Played some CS:GO, kinda enjoyed it, found the skill level absurdly high. Also, 5v5 servers only? That sucked. Now there's bigger servers, but no real mods going on. Bought the CS pack couple of days ago, mostly for the CS:GO preorder, and because I wanted to try out the famous CS/CS:S. CS:S's modding capabilities make the stuff I've seen in TF2 pale in comparison. Stuff like zombie escape, prison break, etc. Very fun. About me: Iunno. Live with my ladypartner + friends in England, studying Comp Sci at uni, game far too much. Passionate dislike towards Apple + all products. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Hi, high, heil, whatever. <3
  12. Player Name: Jake <3 (was just Jake, but at one point there were 3x Jake's on the server. Tad excessive.) Date of Birth: 07/10/92 Country: UK SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/JakeTheMedic Games Played: TF2 (~650hr), Borderlands (~90hr), pretty much every indie/AAA title in the last few years. What qualities can you bring to Outbreak?: Hrm. I'm online a lot (16+hr/day), just did a ~24hr session on the server. I like to think I'm a pretty nice guy, but meh, open to opinion I presume. Just liking the kind of people I've met so far on here. :) Oh, also, I've been leader/co-leader of a few 100+ member clans on other games, looking forward to just enjoying myself. Tell us something about yourself: I live with my ladyfriend, and yet frequently do gaming all nighters. I think I have prioritisation issues.
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