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Jake <3

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Everything posted by Jake <3

  1. Do you like mine? It definitely isn't just a cropped printscreen.
  2. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE THREAD TITLE?> Isn't that like 8/9 syllables? I forgot title has 2 syllables. Penis.
  3. You know there's more than 3 games, right? The 2nd protagonist (hence AC2) was also in Brotherhood, and Revelations, albeit significantly aged in the latter. That being said, I've played through all of them, and meh. Combat is just hold block until counter, freerunning is just hold trigger and analog stick. Also, no difficulty options mean the games are piss easy, with no way to make them harder.
  5. Yes yes yes yes yes, Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes, Yes yes yes. Yes yes.
  6. An old friend of mine moved to Sweden recently to live with her boyfriend. Exciting, eh? Hi LukeTinyTony.
  7. EDIT: Might want to update the original post, for people like me who apparently can't read.
  8. Indeed. Although, we can all write songs around the campfire if we wish.
  9. Oh jailbreak server, Why do others hurt you so? I miss you dearly. Oh jailbreak server, Without you, we have only surf, Which is so much worse. Oh jailbreak server, Why does your web host despair? Is it the DDOS? Oh jailbreak server, I shall see you soon, I'm sure, For fun, games, and more. - Jake <3 In case it wasn't obvious enough, English was my lowest grade at GCSE, and I didn't take it further.
  10. Jake <3


    Whatever is cheapest.
  11. Jake <3


    Used to bot it, and had a main I botted just for levels in addition to the botting for $. The main has all 99+, and I've sold it... 3/4 times now?
  12. 6:30am, been drinking since 5pm, passed out for 2 hrs from 8-10pm. Bring it.
  13. AMD is in pretty deep financial trouble atm, and likely to go out of business within the next couple of years. As much as I'd love to say buy AMD to prevent a monopoly for nvidia in GPUs, and intel in CPUs, nvidia will have a longer support period, and tends to be better value for money too. TL;DR: Nvidia.
  14. Here's your answer: http://i.imgur.com/x2uzC.png
  15. Jake <3

    PC Setups

    2nd year Comp Sci student. No laptop. ????
  16. Okie, 3 Steam games to giveaway: Cave Story+ Offspring Fling Snapshot I've played the latter two, about halfway through Snapshot & beaten Offspring Fling, and they're pretty damn fun indie puzzle / platformers. Post which one you'd like. Preference will go to people who haven't received a present from me before / are active on the JB server. Much love and festivities. Edit: Leaving thread up for ~15hrs, just to give others a chance to request a game.
  17. Got a few games to giveaway. Post which one you'd like. All are on Steam. - Avadon: The Black Fortress - Cogs - Zen Bound 2 <3
  18. City 17? It has trains & fences too c:
  19. Yep, 16 too, RAM is dirt cheap anyway.
  20. Don't need more than 8GB for gaming. Higher is for rendering / media editing. But, there's no harm in futureproofing.
  21. Jake <3

    Snowball fight!

    @Tiny: I took this pic c:
  22. Well that explains why votemute didn't work on a mic spammer yesterday. I'm just gonna edit out my previous comment so I sound less like an idiot.
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