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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Great event, thank you for hosting it, I had a great time!
  2. Motoko, he did apologise to you, in this thread.
  3. They don't murder you, you know that right? Yu Pray Reague? Add me - Gaz Thanks for clearing that up. Welcome
  4. Gaz

    AOE2 League

    Probably not, i think I put a note in there saying it is by choice further down, still considering scrapping using the forgotten
  5. Gaz

    AOE2 League

    You have the vibe
  6. This is an accurate description of my sexual conquests
  7. Gaz

    AOE2 League

    The demo table has been added to give you an idea of what will happen
  8. Gaz

    AOE2 League

    Updated initial post: Considering using Forgotten DLC in situations where both players wish to use it. If this happens, both players must use DLC Civs
  9. Gaz

    AOE2 League

    There will be different settings each week that players must use. From varying maps, to different game modes
  10. Gaz

    AOE2 League

    I kind of want to set up an AOE2 League. So I'm going to give it a test spin here: Rules to be updated. Prize to be updated. Will be shit this time, might advance to better prizes in future 2nd Judge to be chosen. League will be on a 1v1 basis. You will have 1 match a week. League will last 12 weeks. (Subject to change) Myself or must also be in your game to spec. Both players must ally with Referee. Each week the game settings will be different. Each entrant will pick 2 Civs. Consider it Home and Away Civs, this is to avoid mirror match-ups. If there is a mirror match set up, the "Away" player (player who is in 2nd bracket) will choose their home team. Players witth "The Forgotten" DLC will be required to pick a DLC civ which they will play when they come face to face with other dlc owners. The person with the most amount of points at the end will win If there is a tie in points, a play-off will take place in the 13th Week. Rules will be updated as time goes on. Feel free to ask questions regarding the Tournament mentioned in this thread. Sign Up - Civ 1 - Civ 2 - Forgotten This is the Demo Table: http://challonge.com/obaoe The civs are the civs you have chosen Every week I will post in this thread with the game settings. If we don't fill the slots, then we will go with less players, I would like to start monday 12th jan
  11. This clearly flew right over your head. Like space shuttle heights. Quite literally, you have no clue.
  12. Gumzter, if we accept you back, and keyori steals you again, you are dead to me. +1
  13. And tbf it's a sticky thread, so it is always at the top
  14. Gaz

    Hi :D

    Possibly the best post on the forum
  15. Gaz

    Hi :D

    I miss the punctuation
  16. Its almost as if a war ended, and now fuel lines are less at risk...
  17. Fuck off posting in the wrong sections your brainless cunts.
  18. Seriously, are we going to have this everyday?
  19. Evolve: Played it, was ok, can see it getting boring quickly. GTAV: Great fun multiplayer, wouldn't count this as a new game of 2015 though
  20. I will look at changing the snow flakes to other various falling shit
  21. Probably a fishing link. Also Aiden I wasn't sayuing you had to notfiy us. Just use your noggin and realise you should be active on the server before applying. You know how it works around here.
  22. Fucking jobsworth. Also IML why is your screen like that?
  23. TBH Aiden, you were always one of the ones that I would have accepted. But sadly due to lack of activity, no is the answer I think.
  24. Trolling, Ghosting Flaming and constant annoyance to admins despite several warnings, left server before I could ban so giving him a ban which will actually effect him. Repeated Abusive behavior, racism. Multiple bans, multiple warnings, continued to flame admins you were rebelling when you got shot Go sort out your problems and your issues Edited by Biggles: Constantly abusive towards everyone, no need for him on the server. +He was VACd for hacking in CSGO Above are the reasons for his bans. Shall we just let all the other flamers and rage babies come back?
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