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Everything posted by Bogs

  1. Plus it takes away from the community aspect of the game, as lots of people speak to eachother over mics.
  2. Biggles on average how many clips do you put into a montage?
  3. + I'm pretty sure the server is dead in the morning time, I check the forums sometimes before I go to school
  4. Bogs

    Outbreak memes

    Anything involving me and flint and steel.
  5. Bogs

    Voteban etc..

    Really Tiny? I've had Twist tell me if the ratio teams are say 7-9 and there is no admin online/willing to respond then we are able to ask to them to switch and if they did not then we could votekick them. This being when I was a member of course.
  6. Bogs

    Need Help.

    Google is your friend.
  7. Played that game so much
  8. Sholto's usually late to reply to unban requests, I'll alert him to this, But he might just be ignoring it.
  9. Kriss can we have an update please?
  10. Yeah, But still without speed they'd be amazing bhoppers.
  11. There are much better bhoppers than DRA1N and Gumzter.. And they're legit, so why can't dra1n be?
  12. Bogs

    Post your flaws!

    I Have a tendency to light peoples houses on fire. I almost always jump to the wrong conclusion, I get annoyed easily, and sometimes take things too far. other than that im perfect.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzxd9d41Hhc
  14. Bogs


  15. Bogs


    Who's felix
  16. I love your game choices. Mount & Blade ftw. +1
  17. This game is amazing, I've got the DRM-Free version and I've completed it, except for the odd achievement. I've got all the ships ect. The only thing that has stopped me from playing it is that all the scenarios are bound to come up 3 or 4 times in every run. When it gets updated I'll be happy :) Overall a very good game. I know that Barry and Kriss also have this game, don't know about how far they've gotten.
  18. Bogs

    Owen unban

    Very enthusiastic! :D
  19. Post your funny/interesting gif files here!
  20. Jordan whats the gun texture at 2:55?
  21. Thanks alot McLovin, Now that I look back on it I can say that I was a complete dick, even more by the fact that you were building it with your cousin. Thanks again for unbanning me.
  22. Bumped, I would like a response to this
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