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Everything posted by Tiny

  1. Tiny

    Hi im new

    It's odd, you have the same name as a player who was called "Pixle", who left the community. He actually left and tried to steal players from our server after making a Jailbreak community of his own. You even mispelt "pixel" the same way. Huh.
  2. Torchlight 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diablo 3 Have + completed both, I love Torchlight much more.
  3. Hi, just letting you know - due to the server problems we'll be extending your trial by a week - Just contact me or Biggles in Steam if you have any further question. Thanks very much, The admin team. <3
  4. Hi, just letting you know - due to the server problems we'll be extending your trial by a week - Just contact me or Biggles in Steam if you have any further question. Thanks very much, The admin team. <3
  5. You're so aggressive these days Gaz You used to be so friendly :(
  6. Tiny

    I have an enquiry

    Gaz bumping 21 days later GOD
  7. I'd say you need to be more active in the other aspects of the community (forums/ts etc) But it's nice to see you back C:
  8. I won't say goodbye 'cause I know we'll see you soon. Have a fantastic time travelling man, Much love <3
  9. Tiny

    Half life

    I really want to see a speedrun of Shadow of the Colossus, i've watched a few but it'd be nice to see a live one, with all the fuck ups included.
  10. Oh right, i got Just Cause 2 as well. The sales were awesome, just unfortunate timing since there weren't any new releases tbh :\ You can't complain at some of the prices though, dem 80% off games Also - For anyone interested, for the past few years Steam has been reporting 100% growth in sales. They constantly outsell retailers at 10:1 and more, and in 2011 had over 780,000,000 GB worth of data downloaded. They don't/rarely release the actual sales figures, but in 2010 they had a 70% corner on the PC market. They also open 40,000,000 every year. Fuck me. (most data accurate in 2012^)
  11. How'd you know about your velocity?
  12. I bought; Dark Souls Srs Sam Torchlight 2 Worms Revolution There was literally nothing else I wanted/hadn't already purchased
  13. Gonna put you on trial for a week Ameme, Don't be a naughty boy again. *whip crack* - Tiny and Biggles
  14. Hey Vodo, After discussing with Biggles, we've decided to decline you for now. Here's what you need to change. - Spam less. It just annoys people. - We'd love to see some stability from you. You seem to come and go a lot, often being away for weeks without much of an explanation. If you change this, we'd be happy to take another look in a months time! Thanks, Tiny & Big Les.
  15. Thread unecessary, just post in the away section next time! Thanks for letting us know. c:
  16. Tiny


    Take drama, art and french, those are extremely important GCSE's, possibly (in fact definitely) more so than maths and science or w.e
  17. Tiny

    Cube world

    Twist, play tonight plsssss I have legendary bows and shoulders 4 u
  18. Tiny

    Cube world

    LOL BIGGLES, spat my drink everywhere, that's actually fucking amazing. Please create a seperate thread where you post paint pictures of some of the most retarded forum posts. Also - Currently a level 78 Water Mage, half epic/legendary gear. Been playing solo for the past few days :( I've gathered some legendary gear for rogue/warr/ranger, have some awesome looking crossbows etc. If anyone needs pro healz/gear, hit me up.
  19. Tiny

    MAKING Sprays

    Blatantly make a Nagato spray in his Akatsuki cloak! Or, you could take the Red Cloud symbol they use on the cloaks and embroider your name across the top. The simple, elegant sprays always look the best. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Akatsuki+cloud&btnG=%3CSPAN+class%3Dsbico+style%3D%22DISPLAY%3A+block%3B+BACKGROUND%3A+url%28%2Fimages%2Fnav_logo131.png%29+no-repeat+-20px+-111px%3B+WIDTH%3A+13px%3B+HEIGHT%3A+14px%22%3E%3C%2FSPAN%3E&hl=en&gbv=2&um=1&tbm=isch&tab=wi&oq=Akatsuki+cloud&gs_l=img.3..0l10.5031.5812.0.5984. ^ such as those
  20. More like "An Ode to OB; Poetry Fight!"
  21. Tiny

    GTA IV help

    Until you can there isn't much we can do..
  22. Literally nothing I want in sale, c|_| The care cup is empty
  23. Haha, this was brilliant, think you might have a bit of a talent for this
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