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Everything posted by Lewis

  1. Lewis

    May Meetup

    May wtf??? June-July my friends!!
  2. All these salty rep farmers coming out when they're called out publicly for the first time - all it does is reaffirm Unseens preheld views tbh
  3. It's not just about rep, while that's mentioned, it's about forum contribution - good threads, good responses, enjoyment to others bro
  4. ^ NT Mr 'I'm gonna create an alt account to farm my rep up and also r4r with veng on stupid comments for at least 500 rep' Ur attitude towards the forums as shown in this post has forced u off the top 5 for the next 2 months.
  5. Would love some active TS user to create a top 5 teamspeak users pls
  6. 1. Hugo 'Fluxy' Macrae (Rep Count: +846) - Hugo is probably the most liked forum user around. Any post by him is bound to receive an abundance of reps. He knows how to do the odd monthly farm, but isn't persistent. Makes good forum contribution. Only downside is the white knight tendency on some threads we are enjoying, coming in with some tldr response hating on us for our happiness. He has to be careful not to pursue this or he'll be forced down the rankings in successive months. 2. Lewis (Rep Count: +561) - Lewis' forum contribution is rare as of late. Generally a post a day or every two days. But most of his posts are useful/long/enjoyable for others to read. Can pick up easy +1 reps but also one of the top guys at scoring +10 rep posts. Lewis can be on either side of the forum, feeding the trolling spree or trying to resolve disputes (also makes good event threads) for which, he earns rank 2. 3. Matthew 'Unseen' Jacklin (Rep Count: +813) - Unseen has a higher rep count than Lewis, for sure. But his position in 3rd is justified due to his position in the community. Unseen can gain easy reps for posting announcements which people have been expecting, and gaining easy +20 reps. For this reason some would argue he should be even further down, as he rarely makes the 'common man' posts. But Matt persistently brings us extensive posts (generally negative ones) to quell any disputes emerging on the forums. Position is both secure and uneasy - like Hugo, he needs to be careful. 4. Robbin 'W33zy' Kroon (Rep Count: +559) - Weezy is similar to Lewis in both rep count - but utilises the forums more. Weezy can have days with a good contribution, but others can be distinctly poor. A former moderator toeing the lines (now member) you could expect weezy to possibly climb the rankings as he can begin more cheeky forum contribution. I for one, think he will stay around 4 or even slip as people begin taking the forums more seriously. Weezy rarely posts long posts, his fame is acquired more from his likeable nature, where people see a post by weezy and think 'yeah i better +rep that dude' 5. Raphael 'Blyss' Salvador (Rep Count: +449) - Blyss is a guy who for a long time was disliked by the OG's. To have such a high rep count is very respectable. His comments are much like Lewis, cheeky and they bring light and enjoyment to all of us users. Blyss is only going up and up, if he continues as he is, no reason he can't sneak into the top 3 in future months. Utter scumbags: Jamie 'Twist' Wild + Caspian 'Venga' Cowser + Jak 'Jak' Jak + Daniel 'Gaffer' Garforth - These four guys combined have probably 'rep 4 repped' each other in excess of 1,600 reps. All complete and utter SCUMbags. Take away their farming and they all go to the 300's or below. Jamie is a guy borderline top 5, if he stops the r4r he can sneak into another top5 area of OB, as he knows how to utilise the forums cheekily and efficiently. As for these other 3, if you see them on the forums DO NOT give them any rep. Forum contribution is pathetic and pushing deserving top rep guys like @Mintlou, @Gunstar and @Sir_Conor out of the Elite tier. Honourable Mentions: @Eraser @SonyTwan - High rep with enjoyable comments @IrishChamp + @Twiixtor+ @Cereal @Skeff- Lower rep but good contribution to the forums @rhyse1317 + @Quake + @Pasickle- Good guys who spread the rep nicely
  7. How this thread will go down: -About 35 +1's saying ye go for it -The odd -1 from admins pets/bad trolls -A long winded response from unseen saying no which doesn't really make any sense -A thread lock -A 6 month wait until repeat
  8. ^ aka lewis, jamie and danny + 2 easy bots taking down 5 globals
  9. MG Multigames: yes Surf combat: yes MGdeathrun: no Minecraft: no Jailbreak: yes Added - Sir_Conor
  10. lewis clueless at technology version 564 well WTF THEN @UnSeen @Sir_Conor u lazy fucks, why don't we have more servers?
  11. (lazy to quote) @Rory (Regarding the harmful part). Point I was just alluding to there is about the fact that OB isn't exactly Trump. Not entirely sure about the financial stats but I'm fairly sure a second server would begin to put pressure on the funds. JB is the most successful server we could have, so it seems appropriate to keep it there. By all means I'd be for a second server if it was successful (who wouldn't) but from precedent MG, Minecraft, Surf all these servers have never been close to as popular OR as consistently popular as JB @UnSeen (Regarding your thoughts on my suggestion) - I hope you're not referring to me in not fulfilling demands they say - you know I'd be perfectly happy to set something like this up in the holiday/ a stray weekend even if I can't commit to the playing. I see what you mean about the difficulty in external competitions, frankly I don't know too much about other communities or their infrastructure, but I certainly wouldn't mind expanding on some talks you've had with leaders of other clans, especially regarding competetive CSGO. Or even new communities (they don't necessarily have to be JB). I think an inter-community long term competition would work well (something like my dad used to have at university for tennis). Could have 6 teams or so of equal balance, all in a ladder type system, you can challenge the team to a bo1 who is above you in the rankings and if you beat them - you take their place. I know it's a lot like I've suggested in the past, but I think a longer term - fixed/established tournament where teams can challenge/plan games in advance could work. The ladder could remain untouched for a month and it wouldn't matter. Prize for the team finishing 1st at the end of the month (credits) to encourage more server playing. Would be a nice team spirit thing, encouraging people who may not know each other to 'bond' more. TLDR - Long term (forever?) ladder system CSGO tournament. (How a long tournament may be able to work)
  12. I think a cool idea (which has been suggested before in the long distance past - but never really pursued) is to create some competitive teams to play against other communities. We love our CS:GO competitive gathers, and league competitive gathers - why not make some teams to represent OB? We could try and incorporate everybody (two top level teams GE-LEM) and (two low level teams novas/MG's) a.k.a old school high skill + low skill CSS. Then maybe a team A + B of league with the top1-5 players and top6-10. It'd give people who have distanced themselves from jailbreak something to take part in while representing the community. Playing other communities with the pride of the OB tag. Obviously it isn't something which will actively bring in other members, (as you're playing another community) - but something we could advertise as another category of OB gaming. It goes without saying that it's also something which isn't going to harm jailbreak - no need for another server or anything. Would also allow some of the games to be streamed for other members of the community to enjoy or what not to expand the twitch channel / youtube channel.
  13. Because a few of us don't enjoy playing PB anymore doesn't mean jb is 'in decline' The server regularly has 20 players on it pretty much whenever I check it out, OB is fine as it is right now tbh Just seems like a vocal minority is trying to put the case across - I haven't heard anything from Unseen/Conor about a need for a drastic new path or OB struggles. If that's the case, I'd be glad to help out with more events when I can.
  14. Why when I make my once every 2-3 day one post appearance with 0 hours gaming am I 'bored at uni'. Am I not allowed to visit here for 5 minutes every 72 hours? You also go to Uni and spend all day on your computer, but I don't criticse you rofl. It's a bit of a stupid argument to try when we start to compare our daily lives.
  15. Cereal you talk and talk about how you have important examinations approaching over the next half year and that moderator would not suit you at this point in your life in the slightest. Then you go and apply for it the next day. I've seen idiocy in this community but this possibly tops it. What an incredibly favourable light to paint yourself in. Conor, I plead you to consider this entire scenario. Is this what the community has become? Representation can only constitute...misrepresentation hence forth. Is this honestly what we have retreated into? Hiring 16 year olds who favour GCSE exams in February over expanding the community? Once again, with this kid now applying, accept any of these and B.B lewis for TWO months. Perhaps a rash statement, frankly we're all a bit nervous at the moment, it's evident from the types of threats flying around here. Of course the high command has fears, we all have fears. We suffered great losses at the top of the team and things appear to be deteriorating. That can change, but with appropriate decision making. I implore you to reinstate me as moderator if the desperation has truly sunk to this level. I can provide events/teamspeak administration/forum administration/server administration on a consistently high level in holiday time unprecedented in comparison to what this rabble can achieve. #SayNoToAdminoApplicantos #SayNoToAdminoApplicantos #SayNoToAdminoApplicantos #SayNoToAdminoApplicantos #SayNoToAdminoApplicantos #SayNoToAdminoApplicantos #SayNoToAdminoApplicantos #SayNoToAdminoApplicantos #SayNoToAdminoApplicantos
  16. All I see is noobs moaning because they can't counter brandon with a shotgun
  17. Accept any of these and BB lewis for another month u been warned
  18. the latter was actually first yeah but this guy popularised the meme more, big coincidence
  19. What is it and why? Let's see how many of u still value CS at the top
  20. 1) You missed the whole point of my argument. It's not a map I want to learn to get better at, nor 85% of OB for that matter. You can put forward all your personal opinions on the map, but I'm sure at least some of my points stand out for the majority of gather players. Considering train is one of, if not the least played map in OB gathers. Must be a reason for that, no? 2+3) No, you can't say that with any map. If you think retaking A mirage is the same as or harder than retaking A on train then you're lost. There are sites which are notoriously difficult to retake - like B on dust2. But you have to look at the fact it's a closed area, where CTs can pincer from 3 different spots, and the ts are enclosed in an area about 20 metres wide or whatever. On train, you can have the bomb planted for popdog in a 1v1 and the T can realistically be in about 7 positions to be able to win the round. In a 1v1 on B d2, if you've cleared the site he can only be tunnels, unless he snuck past you in the smoke. As someone who's played over 3,000 comp matches, and many of them have been on train I know for a fact that no site comes close to the difficulty of retaking A on train. In a 3v3 or a 1v1 for that matter. 4) Exactly my point though. Why would you want every map to be the same? All of the maps require lots of nade usage, game sense for rotation etc etc. Dust2 was the only map which really brought out the aim in people, and now its gone lol. 5) Maybe you're right, but from my experience I regularly get peeked trying to rush to popdog and die. I also regularly get kills on guys trying to make it to popdog. Take the penultimate round of Astralis vs Virtus Pro final - Snax can't even put a fucking grenade down into A main before he's instantly legged to 10hp and burnt alive (see below) A train is one of, if not the only map in the game where the Ts can virtually be out onto the bombsite before the CTs can even put up a reasonable defence or get into position, not cool imo. Also a map with 21 ladders or whatever, which you can fly off backwards about 5 metres is also not cool. It's not a matter of learning smokes, all maps take smokes to master.
  21. 1) You can still play a map even if you think it's bad. Pros play it but have outlined how they wish it went. 2) Regarding train (from an OB community aspect) -It's a map where the people who play it all the time, know all the rotations, correct gamesense, nades, smokes etc can excel. Just a very small bunch of people in OB who bother playing it and will stomp everyone else when it wouldn't happen on other maps regularly. It's unlike d2, mirage, inf - where everyone knows how to play it and can find frags easily - that's what people look for in a gather. You can say, well you should learn to play it, but frankly it's just a shit map for our level of CS: -Retaking bombsite A in, say, a 3v3 is virtually impossible. There's what? Like 6 trains you can hide behind? Hide in heaven, hide in popdog, hide IV, hide connector. Unless the CTs have kept like 12 nades between them and guess all the correct angles flawlessly, or the ts peek, you're not going to win. -If people have balls and rush out A it's aids to hold without any nades if you're on a low buy. As we saw b2b rounds at 14-14 final map Astralis vs Virtus pro. Fucking aids. -Trying to entry frag with an AWP out of B upper or A main is ridiculously hard with all the angles a CT could be holding -T's regularly get to A main before a CT can rush to defend popdog - which leaves long range the only solution, and when you play a team who know all the smoke grenades to lock off a bombsite it's boring as fuck Don't get me wrong, it's probably a fun map for pro's to play. But you need to think about why people in a prison break community wouldn't enjoy a map like that. As I said, 70% of individual success is aim - frankly most of us just want to play on your mirages, your caches etc, and not guess which of the 25 trains brand0n or extinct is hiding behind. 3) Using 1/20 grenades available to cross middle and secure B site with full health isn't really a joke imo. I get tagged maybe 1/50 if i throw a smoke/HE on the door, just wait for the chance shot and then cross if you're that scared of getting hit.
  22. ye i said d2 boring to watch fun to play tho inf is good to watch ye, one of my fav maps, cobble dull as fuck tho
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