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Spritz and Spreed

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Hey guys. Just thought some of you might be interested in these programs that reportedly allow you to increase your reading speed to 500 words/min.

- http://www.spritzinc.com

- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... mbedhlibno

I found the first one on reddit and upon contacting the developers I discovered that there currently is a working add on for chrome that allows a similar effect. (Second Link)

The programs use a different way of thinking when they approach the movement of the eyes across a page.

"Traditional reading involves publishing text in lines and moving your eyes sequentially from word to word. For each word, the eye seeks a certain point within the word, which we call the “Optimal Recognition Point” or ORP. After your eyes find the ORP, your brain starts to process the the meaning of the word that you’re looking at."

"When reading, only around 20% of your time is spent processing content. The remaining 80% is spent physically moving your eyes from word to word and scanning for the next ORP."

So eliminating the movement of the eyes will allow for more processing and a higher reading speed.

After trying it myself on a paper I had to read for Uni work and talking to other users about it I had a couple thoughts on it.

Firstly: It works. God dam, does it bloody work. It normally takes me a good 2-3 hours to read a 10-15 page paper but I was almost done in a good 45 minutes with the chrome add on that allows reading and study of any images that inhabit the paper at the same time.

Secondly: If you have dyslexia that it really helps with comprehension of the words and even allowed someone with severe dyslexia to reach 450 wpm.

Thirdly: Although it allows you to read quickly the text can also begin to lose meaning if read in this fashion. I would therefore recommend reading it a couple times or read important sections by eye that you recognise with the program.


This is an example of the free chrome addon looks like. It allows full customization of word speed, font size and colour as well as the ability to start and pause the transition of the words.

I'd really recommend these programs if you think yourself a slow reader as it can pick your reading speed dramatically.

Much love.


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Even though the program is so goddamn simple, it can help. Although this does lead to not being able to read a full sentence in my mind as it's shown word per word.

I don't read often but I'll see if I can use it for some school stuff.

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This is cool but I actually find I read faster seeing all of a paragraph at once, oddly enough. :P

Good thread though, am happy. xx

Pretty much this. I read relatively fast through paragraph reading and analysing sentence by sentence rather than word by word. Also your third point, I would agree about it losing it's meaning but being a quick to grasp ideas - I prefer not to repeat reading most of the time.

I think I'll stick to the regular reading method, but I did like this find :)

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