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Black Ops 2 - Hit or Miss?

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Well Ill just come right out and see that personaly I love Blops2 and i would recommend it to anybody. I loathed the MP in black ops 1 and I think they have taken all the critisms and turned it into a much smoother working product. I would say its definatly worth it for the MP alone, im not impressed with the zombies really I have to say so i mostly just go back to the orginal if I want to play zombies. That being said in my heart it cant replace MW2 which is my all time favourite COD and the game I have put the most time in above everything else.

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I time and time tell people the following:

If you want an arcade like FPS which has more 'fun' over realism, go for the CoD series, You know what you're getting with them by now, couple of new guns, perks edited slightly and some different textures with the edition of another seemingly meaningless story because "CoD is not about the story, it's all about the online play.

However, if you are looking for a top class realistic as it gets FPS with a less arcade feel to it, go for Battlefield 3, it's more creative in terms of the tactical methods you can use in it, the Battlefield series is not some yearly coining in 'sesh like CoD games are. The last proper Battlefield that was not a spinoff was Battlefield 2 (2005) No one would ever have guessed what Battlefield 3 had in store. What it did show us is that the series still has originality with it's games and takes the time to make a proper experience that will be remembered definatley as "BATTLEFIELD 3" and not quickly forgotten about as in many of the features with the CoD series.

Both games are good in their own right but the level of attention CoD receives with every "new" game they bring out gets worse and worse because people get fed up of the same gameplay.

Note. I'm not slagging of the entire CoD series, just Blackops series and MW3

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However, if you are looking for a top class realistic as it gets FPS with a less arcade feel to it, go for Battlefield 3


Cant say your wrong there Mintlou.

But really? realistic? its as arcade as you can get, ok so they chuck in some bullet drop physics and that and it becomes relaistic all of a suden? Any game that allows you to run around with an SMG or shotgun racking up kill after kill after kill can not be called "realistic" because that isent realistic at all. Its action paced because thats what people want, thats what makes the so popular. Now look at games such as Operation Flashpoint and the ARMA series these are what you would call realistic shooters, relativly small sales compared to anything else because teenage gamers dont go in for realistic shooters because quite frankly non of them have the patience and they want to be doing barrel roll dog fights in jets and driving Jeeps covered in C4 into tanks.

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Its extremely unrealistic

>Facing 20 machine guns without protection during a cutscene, none of them hit you

I'm waiting on Modern Warfare Afghanistan where if you get shot at, you get down and stay down until told otherwise and spend half the game sat around in a command point bored off your tits

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