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South Park

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Urghh, where to begin?

South Park uses 0% creativity in what they do, it takes 4 days to make an episode, compare that to The Simpsons, Family Guy etc. which take 4-8 months for ONE EPISODE to produce.

The only thing humourous they rely on is: "Oh fuck, you killed Kenny" HA HA... They use nothing of the whitty sort to crack a laugh.

In fact the only thing they call "humor" is 9/11 jokes and incredibly vivid re-enactments of the holocaust and the total disrespect of everyone.

The film had no real point to it, It's damn right stupid and seems to be made up as it went along.

The only "problems" that each character faces during an episode often includes turning into the KKK to scare black people away for a black man trying to sell them cookies for something ridiculous of the sort.

If you compare it to Family guy, Then South Park does not even reach the scale. Family guy is very clever in what it does and constructivley using humours themes to grab the attention of the audience. I'm not saying they don't make Jewish jokes or black jokes but they are somewhat softer and more funny about the whole Idea.

The creators of South Park are just lucky that people as low as themselves think that their content is funny. I for one think that it's utter dribble.

That's all

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Mintlou i have to disagree, Its your opinons so im not going to trash you but i would just like to say that I think south park is actually very witty in its politcal and social comments that it makes via satire of American life. I think it does actually really raise awarness to such things and makes people think about them using humour. Family Guy on the other hand, while undoubtably funny, I think is just so random? their jokes make no sence and are 9 times out of 10 completly unplot related. Its all like here is this fucking random flash back that dosent fit in anywhere? you could swap out any joke in an episode to another one from another episode and you would never notice.

P.s I consider South Park very funny and I wouldent say im "low" as you put it

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I'm sorry but even though i enjoy watching family guy a lot its just not as good as south park in my eyes, yes south park kills Kenny in every episode but doesn't peter tell meg she's ugly or tell her to shut up in nearly every episode, like that gets old after a while, don't get me wrong im not saying family guy is shite but it gets very repetitive. also south park doesn't take 4 days to make an episode.

You say the only problems the characters encounter during each episode either turns out to be involving the kkk or something along those lines, i'm pretty sure i've seen the simpsons and family guy do this but not as straight forward as south park.

If south park doesn't manage to reach out to the auidence how come they've manage to produce 16 popular series?

Also one last thing, if the people that watch south park are as "low" as you say they are, why do you not see fans of south park turning to the "kkk to scare black people away" or such things like that? you criticise south park for all these reasons yet the simpsons and family guy have repeated these.

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I've seen some Family guy sketches only, those were funny. I cannot imagine though how an episode could make sense if you just put random things together, it's not a show that way. South Park = brain on not give fucks mode and laugh with all the random and supposedly low humor if you would call it that. I never get why people get so upset over jokes made in shows. It's just a show, who cares if they make fun of everything that exists. I don't.

ah, opinions...

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South Park did a great episode a while back about the US Elections. they held a class election and the 2 running candidates had to make mascots or something. One was the pile of shit, and the other was the crap sandwich (or something like that) and people were debating over which mascot represented which real life president. In the end trey and matt came forward and said they represent nobody and the message was simple, no matter who you vote for, you are guarenteed to get a piece of shit in office.

Which is true, all politicians are lies and bastards. A lot of their episodes have hidden meanings.

The film was mocking how people over react over the most pointless things to the most extreme standards, i.e. a group of mothers declaring war on canada because of a tv show with swearing in.

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It was a giant douche or a turd sandwich. A quick synopsis:

The school needs a new mascot, Kyle wants a giant douche and Cartman wants a turd sandwich. They both try to convince Stan to vote for them but Stan thinks his vote doesn't matter. Stan is thrown out of town for not voting and is eventually convinced his vote matters through a series of comedic adventures with PETA (there's some more satire there).

Stan finally casts his vote for turd sandwich, but giant douche wins by 1410 to 36 votes. Stan's father tells him his vote still matters even though he lost. At this point the old mascot is bought back making all the votes useless.

There's some obvious satire directed at the "2 horse race" style of elections in America. With only two candidates to choose from it's like choosing between a turd sandwich and a giant douche. It doesn't matter what Stan votes for because he doesn't want either of the two candidates to get in. However the system is set up so that no one else's votes matter.

Similarities can be drawn to Britain's "first past the post" voting system where the first party to get past 40% of the vote gets all the votes from that borough, thus making the other 60% useless votes. Though not a "2 horse race" Britain only has 3 major parties with fairly similar policies. However the political issue is not as straight forward as in America as we do not have a democratic society.

The House of Lords still has the power to overrule the House of Commons, which makes the House of Commons essentially useless and a figurehead to distract attention away fro the house of Lords. In the House of Lords currently 26 Lords are chosen by the Church of England, 96 Lords have inherited the title Lord from their "noble" families. The majority are chosen by the prime minister. Only 2 seats are chosen by an independent body...

Effectively this means in the UK a rich businessman can send a large donation to the prime minister's party and in return receive a seat on the House of Lords and pass laws that help their business earn more money and reject bills that they don't like. Some would call this bribery, they call it politics. On the surface our political structure seems democratic but in comparison to America we're practically a Dictatorship. You can buy a seat in our parliament and our BBC publicly endorses the Church of England, the very organisation that not only has seats in our parliament but is also extremely anti-homosexual and against anything "unchristian".

Not only does your vote count for nothing in Britain the politics is run by businessmen and church bishops.

Though not entirely, a lot of progress has been made and not only are we on the verge of phasing out inherited seats we just might get some elected seats in teh House of Lords.

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