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Posts posted by ҉NuclearGamer

  1. 5 hours ago, SlayerX said:

    i need to save all my porn and games :P

    on my server i have 10more TB xD

    I remember back when i had a server that i stashed my schools information on, they paid me good to keep shit classified, till they got an "IT expert" and made me move their files to the schools server.

    Are you also possibly renting out space? :) 

  2. 15 hours ago, Daffy Duck said:

    6 to 12 hours a day? I'm 3rd year at university and I don't do that (I put enough consistent enough hours sure, but damn)


    @Mintlou as you probably know employers are quite keen to know GCSEs also. Since some might be interested to know whether their applicants can add, read and write. 

    Lets say spending 6-10 hours playing csgo in the summer had a huge effect on this :).

    @VENGA BUS, Doesnt every exam system suck?, Not every system is flawless, its like a code, you write a program, little bugs will be popping out here and there, you patch them, some more will pop out anyway.

    15 hours ago, VENGA BUS said:

    This entire thread is why our exam system sucks.

  3. 16 hours ago, Fluxy said:

    lmafo ok so 


    1. I seriously doubt that your either are or need to study 6-12 hours a day for O levels....like they are GCSEs right? GCSEs really aint that hard. Not saying people should compare themselves to other people but I spent only an hour per subject per day (3 hours) when studying for my Highers (rough Scottish equivalent of A levels) and I came out with straight As. 

    2. Unless you want to be a doctor,lawyer,vet or something along those lines or you want to go to a very prestigious uni like oxford or cambridge or something, you do not need to get A*s in your GCSEs for anything. Not saying you shouldn't try and get the highest you can but don't put yourself under so much pressure to get grades you probably wont need. 

    3. As Jak said, you wanna study in small chunks with small breaks inbetween. You can sit at your desk for 4 hours staring at a textbook but if your not taking anything in cause your so bored then whats the point? 45 minutes, 15 minute break, change subject, another 45 minutes, 15 minute break, change subject. 

    4. If they are available to you do past papers like every day. They are legit the easiest and most effective way to revise. Some exam boards have a habit of rotating the same questions for exams over a period of years, if you do enough past papers you will notice some of the same questions, then you could get lucky and get that same question on the actual day of the exam, it happened to me more than once while I was at school. 

    5. GLHF   

    Actually got them, pretty wonderful.

    I'm aiming to do 10 subjects, English, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, ICT, Arabic, Mathematics, Business, Art and Human biology.

    14 hours ago, JamesG said:

    I did my GCSEs last year (its been renamed to o-levels) I did loads of past papers. For example:

    Mon: Physics Paper 1; Maths Paper 1; 

    Tues: Maths paper 2; Physics Paper 2;

    Wens: Geography 1; R.E 1

    Thurs: R.E 2; Geography 2

    Past papers are the best. You can see what you're good at and what you're not. (Got me 2 A* 2A 6B)

    (Mark after done both papers, this takes up 5-6 a day, do no more as you NEED your personal time)

    I've got past papers from 2005-2016, i've been solving them daily, Repetitive questions with the same basis.

    I'm doing that to get ranked in Jordan, i'll Have an easier time to score scholarships to universities.

    Also if anyone has tips that helps me to stay calm during the examination period, would be awesome :)

  4. 36 minutes ago, Jak said:

    "your over using your brain"

    Philip is definitely the fountain of knowledge you require... :hmm:


    Just spend half an hour at a time on a subject, followed by a 10, 15 minute break. Remember to go over things you think you already know as well as learning new things.

    Regarding music, don't listen to anything with lyrics. Listen to soft/repetitive sounds if you must listen to anything at all. It's generally not good to stimulate more than one sense at a time when you're trying to learn.

    Game tracks?

    46 minutes ago, Philip said:

    As you are doing 6-12hrs a day your over using your brain. If you are doing 2 hour sessions you are only going to remember 45 mins of that time. I suggest doing a session in 3 parts so you have the best chance of remembering it all.

    also don't revise loads on the day before. This will make you forget other things you have learnt and therefore only have a certain amount of knowledge at your fingertips. Just a few tips for you

    I've been splitting them like 30 mins studying 5-10 mins break.


    Thanks :)

  5. As some people might have noticed, I've disappeared from the server, I've got upcoming exams in October/November for my O-Level exams, and since half the server is from the UK, just wanted to ask some questions :D.


    I've been studying 6-12 hours a day and need to get an A*, just need some shit on what to do on the exam.

    Study patterns, how to answer shit, or some music to listen to to focus while studying

    Thanks <3.


    Also Hi.

  6. A step by step to make the nuclear sandwhich.

    Step 1, Cut the crust for 4 toast slices

    Step 2. Prepare some butter in a pan

    Step 3. get the mozzarella cheese

    Step 4, Cut that shit and put it inside the toast slices

    Step 5. fry that diabetes goodness.

    Step 6, enjoy

    Optional : Make some tomato dipping and/or Tea with some crackers.

  7. Ctrl + F nuclear, Okay.

    A year from now.

    Blyss becoming an alcoholic admin

    Weezy still rolling blunts after gathers

    Clicker games is now the official supported genre of the community

    Aisha renamed to MeHeel due to how it's pronounced

    Nuclear gets a girlfriend (PogChamp)


  8. +1.

    You've been active on team speak and ingame, Still a bit shy to join the bigger channels, but we can fix that.

    You're really nice in game, apart from the casual banter and shit talking, we can also improve on that.

    All in all, More Integrity, Less shit talking, and we hit the nail to the head :). 

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